The Opeth joke thread

One day Mike accidentally let the f-word slip around Melinda. Anna promptly replied "stop using profanity!" So Mike took his dick out of Profanity's ass and came on his back and told him to go home.
Shadows Skulk said:
One day Mike accidentally let the f-word slip around Melinda. Anna promptly replied "stop using profanity!" So Mike took his dick out of Profanity's ass and came on his back and told him to go home.


Minister: Who cursed here? I don't want profanity in my church!

So the church goers draged profanity outside and shot him in the head. After church they had a barbeque and ate chicken. Profanity went to hell and had to listen to Satans bad jokes for all eternity:

Satan: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it's kvlt!
Mikael Akerfeldt asked his dad:

"Dad, is God black or white?"

"Both, my son."

"Dad, is God a man or a woman?"

"Both, my son."

"Dad, is God gay or straight?"

"Both, my son."

"Dad, is God Michael Jackson?"
Looking for a Job said:
q: what's brown and sits on a piano bench?

a: beethoven's fifth movement LMAO

How about this one:

A few bands had to go through a door to get into the arena in order to play a concert. When Slipknot tried to go through they get got stuck in a knot, when Napalm Death went through, they died and when Judas Priest went through they entered a church but Opeth simply opened the door and not only did they get themselves in but they also got Therion in.
Profanity said:
How about this one:

A few bands had to go through a door to get into the arena in order to play a concert. When Slipknot tried to go through they get got stuck in a knot, when Napalm Death went through, they died and when Judas Priest went through they entered a church but Opeth simply opened the door and not only did they get themselves in but they also got Therion in.

That was as funny as this:
