Lets make Opeth jokes!

Static said:
What happened when Mikael Akerfeldt tried to steal the amaranth symbol near the moor and got chased by the demon of the fall who wanted to punish Mikael by growing together with his skin?

Mikael tried to run away, run away, but in just one second was left with nothing.

Police told the press today that Akerfeldt was found weeping under the moon in the forest of october, apparently attempting to travel through the eternal flame as the rain kept falling. He made this comment: "I have kept it, the Amaranth symbol", confirming his guilt. When asked if he thought he could have gotten away with it he said: "If it wasn't for that meddling apostle! I should have triumphed!" Mikael was arrested claiming he had been benighted by his own pride, and had lost his grip on all control. The police chief stated that a life of crime was not "the only way to follow, ahh ahh ahh".

Thats my attempt to be funny.

You succeeded :lol: