RandomThoughts: Opeth

Ummmm...Opeth rules, and all who think otherwise will be forced to become subserviant laborers under Opeth's future world wide Regime!
Is that relevant enough?:loco:
No really, has anyone heard any more info on the double album since the last time Lora posted?
I am currently in love with the ending of The Drapery Falls. Well, the whole song as well, but especially the ending.

I've graciously let my precious one and only Opeth cd out of my possesion twice in a row. This was for a good cause, I have drawn two more people into the Opeth network:heh:

Mendez is awesome. I love how you can actually hear the bass lines in Opeth's songs. Unlike most bands, where you hear only faint glimpses once and a while. Not only can you hear them, but they're awesome. I have a thing for bass:)

What about you Oyo?
I've heard nothing, but they're being interviewed tomorrow on British TV, Godisanathiest and Transparent will surely update us (nods at them with gun pointed). I am very much looking forward to the double release! I think I will listen to Orchid a few more times, maybe five, and then I'll move on to My Arms your Hearse, I've been listening to each CD A LOT, then moving on, I better get going before double release comes, that will be overwhelming. I think it would be interesting if they brought Dan Swanö in for some of the new CD's, or maybe they could let Johan and Anders play in some songs... that would be interesting.
I love to listen to MAYH in the dark. Most nights it is what I listen to when I go to bed. Somehow it helps me ease into sleep. (Not related) I am always surprised when people mention that they don't enjoy Orchid. I cannot get enough of the album, an awesome album, quite beautiful, as is true with all other Opeth albums. I'll never grow tired of it.
I've heard nothing, but they're being interviewed tomorrow on British TV
nah, its on a radio station, and you can listen to it on the net, just click on the listen live link, there will be the opeth interview and an arch enemy interview between 6pm-9pm GMT, so make sure you don't miss it! :)
There really is no other

All my other "favorites" are bunched up in second place MILES behind Opeth. No other band comes even close. There are individual songs out there that in certain moods rival Opeth. But I rarely skip over an Opeth tune for a tune by another band. Even when I'm in a hurry, and I only have 5 minutes left in the car - if an Opeth song starts, and I know it won't finish, I don't care. It's a better alternative to play an Opeth song part of the way through than to put on another shorter song that I like by another band.
Originally posted by moonchild

nah, its on a radio station, and you can listen to it on the net, just click on the listen live link, there will be the opeth interview and an arch enemy interview between 6pm-9pm GMT, so make sure you don't miss it! :)

awww man I have to work I can't believe I'm going to miss it






...If only I had a bullet then I'd show them...
This IS the Christian Faith forum!

...phew! for a moment there i thought i had stumbled into one of those 'Satan-Worshipping' heavy-metal forums, where they listen to 'Devil-Music' like Opeth, Nevermore or Cynic.

...I'm glad. Who else here thinks that Creed is great??

i feel like a diet coke opeth fan because opeth is my favorite but is my favorite along with DT and Death and i cannot decide wich of the 3 means more to me or i like the best i like them equally....:cry:
my 10 fave bands in no order:

pink floyd
bob dylan
nick drake
the smiths
the beatles

just felt like posting that. i'm unsure as to whether me listing that pertains to this thread at all.
I'm still waiting for someone to put out a classically arranged Opeth tribute album.
