Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

^ Wtf, is that what the Vet told you?

"What's wrong with my cat?"

"It......it has a disease"


Yeah, kinda. After like 2 weeks of ignoring my cat thinking it was a wound from a raccoon and it was going to heal, the pet doctor told me his leg is extremly infected, contagious (started to spread on his stomach), and possibly a disease. :erk: He might have to have his leg amputated (please don't laugh at the idea of a 3-legged cat). I feel like shit, considering I neglected the cute bugger longer than I should have. :cry:

I pick him up today. He got like 5 shots and ointment. Almost two hundred fucking dollars!
Yeah, kinda. After like 2 weeks of ignoring my cat
Ignoring it for 2 weeks what????:mad:

thinking it was a wound from a raccoon and it was going to heal, the pet doctor told me his leg is extremly infected, contagious (started to spread on his stomach), and possibly a disease. :erk:
Damn :erk:

He might have to have his leg amputated (please don't laugh at the idea of a 3-legged cat).
I started lol'ling @ that by when you said "idea of a 3-legged cat".

I feel like shit, considering I neglected the cute bugger longer than I should have. :cry:
Shame on yo.

I pick him up today. He got like 5 shots and ointment. Almost two hundred fucking dollars!
Well atleast hes fine?
Ignoring it for 2 weeks what????:mad:

Damn :erk:

I started lol'ling @ that by when you said "idea of a 3-legged cat".

Shame on yo.

Well atleast hes fine?

Thanks for taking the time to quote me just so you could be a dick and then laugh at my cat's situation. Fuck You.

I just got back from the pet doctor and he said he should be doing alright. The shots brought down the inflammation and he should be better in a month, if not I should come in again. He said it probably won't resolve with amputation so I'm fuckin' cheery over that bit of news. He is not sure if it is a disease but believes it can be treated.
Thanks for taking the time to quote me just so you could be a dick and then laugh at my cat's situation. Fuck You.
:lol: I'm 00ltimately bored today ,I had way too much time.

I just got back from the pet doctor and he said he should be doing alright. The shots brought down the inflammation and he should be better in a month, if not I should come in again. He said it probably won't resolve with amputation so I'm fuckin' cheery over that bit of news. He is not sure if it is a disease but believes it can be treated.

Ahh, good. I have a cat myself, wouldn't let nething bad happen to my luvly fur ball
Find then, a polar bear or a penguin :lol:

Ohh man, wish we had penguins here... Would be cool:loco: I gotta travel pretty far away to north if am gonna find any of those two! I'm gonna go some day up there and pet myself a polar bear, then going around on the streets with it "lolwut?".