Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Holy fuck, i just found out that you can play NES games on facebook! though i still would rather use roms/emulators but at least on facebook you don't have to spend so much time downloading the games.:kickass:

Well, it doesn't really take me a lot of time to download games, and I got a slow connection. Go get some torrent with the whole SNES set of games.

i really want a whopper jr. right now. havent had one for like 2 years.
burger king>>>>mcdonalds
for sure

I really like the MacChicken with Bacon from McDonalds, so just for that I prefer McDonalds to Burger King.

But god now I'm hungry :ill:
Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Diiiiiiiii doooooooooo dudud diiiiiii!!
lol i liked that song, i like the last line more

"what's so civil about a war anyway"
I really like the MacChicken with Bacon from McDonalds, so just for that I prefer McDonalds to Burger King.

But god now I'm hungry :ill:

really? ive never been much of a mcdonalds fan.. and "supersize me" was kind of a turn off..
cmon.. the king vs. ronald mcdonald?
king, for sure :lol:
So when are you gonna kill randoms at your college and An Hero afterwards?

Electronic thug. A pale, pimple faced, skinny white kid who would most likely burn up if he came into contact with natural sunlight. Spends all of his time threatening people over the internet to compensate for his lack of a life and hatred of humanity for not accepting him.
so i was on youtube, and i realize americans actually have an accent.
thats new to me.

Um.....I have a Boston accent.

Speaking of which, has anyone else been here long enough to remember the "Post your voice" thread?? Now this was a while ago, back when MagSec actually posted around these parts (with his silly spawn avatar that blinked.)