Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

^So do you think I should get it on a blindbuy? I like Symphonic Metal like CoB, Emperor, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu, etc.. but I dont know f I'd like Nightwish or not.
Videoclub, whats that?

I saw a cat today and he was like... you know when there's oranges standing by an open window? Well, that's how he felt about me at this exact situation. Tho I wasn't sure how it went after that cause I wasn't actually with myself, I was just... you know, outside, enjoying a wole bunch of offset cigarettes. Even if this last one, tho not exactly the last as a human being you might have as well guess it, was actually really good, just as the cat thought - that he didn't.

I might go see him next week end if he got his car back. He broke a window while chatting up with his mind, a long story of predominant ideas of an outer closed-mouth sybling, an uninteresting story if you all want my opinion. I'll probably just show there and drop an ear over them, an eye or two, just to sense what they are yelling about, a story here, another story there, "Hi, I'm laying, starving of a carve, yet just no one of mine", you know, the usual deliberant agro-selfish pejorative selfteached's crime-personality that we are yet not so used to see and/or-not hear (we don,t want it to happen...!).

After that there'll be probalby some drinks to fuse against, some sounds to set on for ourselves, to.. actually rid them of an active useless situation... That window, actually, I was catfeeling about the day before, well it actually closed-ate the oranges.

"Thanks", he said.

Than, after a while, a whole plot of dozen, well, no, maybe it was just none but I know there were some - at least for me. Another upfront sing, just a blendge, you will say, but I might say it's not su unpleasant. I mean, of course, there's some chance and blah but no, not really, I wouldn't expect such a thing to happen.

Another day, another story. That's kind of, you know, weird or just some bullshit, same thing. But well, we all know me, been there, done that. Waaah after a time it's getting boring, you know the whole "hi-no-one-care-for-another-sets-of-unstriping-fabulous-extriping--bunch-of-days" but, hey what do you want! It's like, why, I can totaly endure that.

Not that want to go thought, but still it's another action yet to be on top. Tho it's not unfamiliar, he said somthing like a bulb or a fuzz would deliberately transmit, as how much he tries, another systems of references.

Nothing to get but yet another set. A nice philosophy! I try to perform that everyday, everyminutes, well I avoid that but that's cool you know.

Anyway, see ya!
Thaks everyone for the videos, but since I'm on 28K Dial-up I cant listen to MySpace songs or watch Youtube Videos, I may have to wait until I'm back at college in August to check out Nightwish.
I feel so behind the times.

I can feel your pain, I"m going back home to 64k internet in a week :cry: Gotta have to start "stacking up" for summer...

BTW, I wouldn't recommend you buying before sampling, because unlike the bands that you said you like, NW is much "lighter" and uses no harsh vocals. While CoB, CoF, Dimmu, Emperor (or, for that matter, all bands listed in your sig) are variations of black or death metal, NW is power metal. It's still a good band worth a try tho. They should also be probably popular enough for you to borrow a CD from someone =)

Century Child is probably my favorite NW album, get that one.

Matter of taste. IMHO Wishmaster and Oceanborn are two of their best albums, and I absolutely love the first half of Once (especially 1st and 4th tracks); the first album is good for a first album; BUT I honestly hate Century Child, cause it's very repetitive of old albums, and sounds kinda like pop metal.

Oh, BTW Over the Hills... has two nice songs, but the rest of it is just a ridiculous live compilation :erk:
Than, after a while, a whole plot of dozen, well, no, maybe it was just none but I know there were some - at least for me. Another upfront sing, just a blendge, you will say, but I might say it's not su unpleasant. I mean, of course, there's some chance and blah but no, not really, I wouldn't expect such a thing to happen.

Another day, another story. That's kind of, you know, weird or just some bullshit, same thing. But well, we all know me, been there, done that. Waaah after a time it's getting boring, you know the whole "hi-no-one-care-for-another-sets-of-unstriping-fabulous-extriping--bunch-of-days" but, hey what do you want! It's like, why, I can totaly endure that.

Not that want to go thought, but still it's another action yet to be on top. Tho it's not unfamiliar, he said somthing like a bulb or a fuzz would deliberately transmit, as how much he tries, another systems of references.

Nothing to get but yet another set. A nice philosophy! I try to perform that everyday, everyminutes, well I avoid that but that's cool you know.

Anyway, see ya!

Shall this light the darkest corners of my spirit in times of need.
Thanks for the help once again! I'm going to sample Amazon's 30 second samples from Century Child. I've matured in my tastes in music and metal in general, six months ago I wouldn't listen to Metal with overly clean vocals in it, but thanks to some help from Borknagar, I've matured where I like some clean vocals and can tolerate some, I can finally get into Opeth now without feeling like I'm half liking and half disliking the music. I guess another question would be "Is Nightwish too drastic of a change in musical styles for me to enjoy?" I'll find out I guess. :lol: But I do like Ihsahn, Vintersorg, Garm, and Vortex's cleans, though I prefer harsh vocals to cleans.
I finally heard me a song off of Nightwish's Century Child, "The End of All Hope". i really like it, and want to get Century Child sometime. So yay for Wal Mart having a CD there I wouldnt expect to be there. And it's an introduction to a new type of Metal for me as well. :)
I finally heard me a song off of Nightwish's Century Child, "The End of All Hope". i really like it, and want to get Century Child sometime. So yay for Wal Mart having a CD there I wouldnt expect to be there. And it's an introduction to a new type of Metal for me as well. :)

you got that in Wal Mart? you fucking lucky bastard :lol:
^:lol: I'm going to get it in Wal Mart soon. As long as no one else is a Metalhead in this rural part of Tennessee and grabs it before me. :lol:
Edit: A friend sent me that song over MSN.
I finally got hired to work at Wal Mart today, I'm going to be a cart pusher, but it's at a different store, and the interview was weird. THe person hiring me acted like she didn't want to hire me because I wouldn't be there but probably 8 weeks, and asked me if I really wanted the job and of course I said yes, and didn't give a definitive answer on whether I'd want to work weekends when school starts so I can have me ajob without giving a committment, because I plan on putting my 2 weeks notice in at the start of August, and hopefully taking a week off vacation from July 27-August 3, but I didn't say those things because they probably wouldnt have hired me now. I really dont want to work weekends and probably won't like my job much but at least I'll be getting paid again. But I gotta take my drug test tomorrow, and drive a long way to get there, probably a 45 minute drive or so, oh well. I don't even get to start working and doing Orientation until the start of next week because the personnel woman is on vacation.

But the Wal Mart I'll be working at didnt have the Nightwish CD, so I guess after I get done with my drug test I'll drive over to the one that does and get me Century Child. :) I went to a big Wal Mart tonight and it didnt have Nightwish but it had the new Opeth there. So I've went to 3 Wal Marts in one day and the smallest has the Nightwish CD. :lol:
^:lol: I went there to help my Dad with picking up things to fix the house and clean it with. I got the Nightwish-Century Child CD today though.
But about Wal Mart:
I never got to take my drug test this morning because Wal Mart called and said my drug test application didnt go through but they said they had my application in case they were ready to hire me. I then asked "Well, do I have a job or not, am I hired, and they said "I dont know if we're going to hire you, but we have your application in case we want to". So this pissed me off, they tell me I'm hired and today I'm not hired. What the fuck.
But about Wal Mart:
I never got to take my drug test this morning because Wal Mart called and said my drug test application didnt go through but they said they had my application in case they were ready to hire me. I then asked "Well, do I have a job or not, am I hired, and they said "I dont know if we're going to hire you, but we have your application in case we want to". So this pissed me off, they tell me I'm hired and today I'm not hired. What the fuck.
That's why you don't wanna work for them. They treat their employees like shit. You're better off waiting tables.
Srsly WTF

I was fixing my YouTube account just now, and i was gonna change my e-mail adress to the newer one i use.

And the when i try to log in, YouTube serves me this on a cold plate:

"Your account has been permanently disabled."


My guess is it's a site fault or something, i can't remember breaking any copyrights.

Anyone else try changing their email? :lol: