Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

^ I totally agree on this. Downloading 10 albums per day and stocking them without listening is just a stupid "I have more albums than you" contest.

I travel a lot, and as I'm often out, I listen to lots of music. I need my 160Go, because I want to take the most albums with me, that's quite simple. And to answer your question, I listen to all this music, though don't listen to the same album 8 times a week.

Yoda is the fucking dude.

I doubt it. That's the reason why I stopped downloading (and, by the way, stealing) music - it was more consumption than enjoyment.
^ I totally agree on this. Downloading 10 albums per day and stocking them without listening is just a stupid "I have more albums than you" contest.

I travel a lot, and as I'm often out, I listen to lots of music. I need my 160Go, because I want to take the most albums with me, that's quite simple. And to answer your question, I listen to all this music, though don't listen to the same album 8 times a week.

Yes, exactly. I used to have that problem, but I stopped doing it for the time being. Now I only download things that I know I'm definitely going to listen to or will definitely play on the radio.

The reason why I want a bigger iPod is because right now my selection of music on my iPod is just metal, and it's not even close to being all my metal. But I want a bigger one so I can have all my music selection available to me.
I actually have 40Go of music and I'm always listening to it, I can put the fuck I want depending on my mood and don't feel repressed by that. Actually, there's song that I didn't listen to, that's true, but I know I will.
lol@tonnes of music

the shuffle mode should be banned from the world

but its handy in its own way. feks, i automatically know i have nothing in common with a person, if the person uses shuffle
^ I totally agree on this. Downloading 10 albums per day and stocking them without listening is just a stupid "I have more albums than you" contest.

I travel a lot, and as I'm often out, I listen to lots of music. I need my 160Go, because I want to take the most albums with me, that's quite simple. And to answer your question, I listen to all this music, though don't listen to the same album 8 times a week.

I used to download a lot but I don't anymore. I mean, when you can have as much music as you want it's awesome ! But at one point you download so much you don't even have the time to listen to it or to give it a try. And also, now I'm so lazy I only download what I'd listen to/be interested in... When I have money I buy some cd's I already know and I always buy an album from an artist/band I don't know (but heard of) just for the joy of discovering something.
lol@tonnes of music

the shuffle mode should be banned from the world

but its handy in its own way. feks, i automatically know i have nothing in common with a person, if the person uses shuffle

I often download full discography of artist or band, most of the time I listen to a full album from start to end, but sometimes I like to use the shuffle option to "discover" new songs I never heard, and it makes me listen to song that I wouldn't have thought of listening at the moment.
8 GB ZUNE, pocket sized FTW.

That being said, you ever get constipated. I was the other day. It sucked, thought i was having a baby once it ended, and even then i thought I was gonna need to get a butter and kick start myself like a ketchup bottle. horrible.