Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

All this religious talk reminds me of one of my classmates pronouncing the Biblical Character Job as job instead of J-long O-B, it was funny. :lol: Everyone laughed.
All this religious talk reminds me of one of my classmates pronouncing the Biblical Character Job as job instead of J-long O-B, it was funny. :lol: Everyone laughed.

No I know you are making fun of the fact that I "didn't try", that's not exactly what I meant.

That just made me though of that: Kentucky Didn't Tried Chicken

From what someone told me, you were about to fuck her and you freaked out, leaving her über horny.

Because of that, she got gang raped by a bunch of my buddy pals (and possibly got AIDS) and you lost every inch of manhood within.

Well done Kevin! :kickass:
From what someone told me, you were about to fuck her and you freaked out, leaving her über horny.


But nah, there's no way a nagger gave her AIDS ok? I AM THE ONE WHO GIVES AIDS HERE :mad:

What the fuck are you talking about !

Yeah I noticed it didn't make sense at all... Sorry I'm kind of really fucked now... I edited my post, should make at least a little bit of sense now :lol:

It's 9 pm, I've just woke up I went to bed at like 10 am... I fucking hate working at night the week end it fucks all my week after that :erk: