Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Oh what the fuck.

Usually I stay out of the whole "OMG MODERATORS ARE GAY" thing but fuck, this is ridiculous.

Moderators (or maybe that shouldn't be plural), who have fuck all of an idea about what's best for the forum and simply respond to faggots that love the report button without thinking of the consequences = Not Moderators.

Moderators are meant to be forum members that supervise the discussions on a forum and negotiate around problems. Not someone who signs in once a week, checks their emails and bans anyone who's been reported.
Oh what the fuck.

Usually I stay out of the whole "OMG MODERATORS ARE GAY" thing but fuck, this is ridiculous.

Moderators (or maybe that shouldn't be plural), who have fuck all of an idea about what's best for the forum and simply respond to faggots that love the report button without thinking of the consequences = Not Moderators.

You don't mean Nick, right?
Moderators are meant to be forum members that supervise the discussions on a forum and negotiate around problems. Not someone who signs in once a week, checks their emails and bans anyone who's been reported.


I mean Bob saying that Joe was only saying it was a joke as an excuse is laughable. Yes Bob, Joe was totally serious, statues really do hang themselves in Mexico.
Mods =


If you're not English you probably wont understand.