Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

God, I lay awake in my bed for 15 minutes yesterday because I couldn't stop thinking about the forum and its people, one certain person especially. I haaaaaaate fake people, really. Phewww, needed to say this now.
This thread is seriously the best one for this... it's just some "random shit", and it shouldn't bother me too much. But it does...but not in a bad way anymore. Thank god.
I think some people should just open their eyes sometimes.

lalalalalaaa... *leaves thread again*
That's more Canadian in general I think.
I don't go for it though.
Malt vinegar and ketchup ftw.

The mayonnaise on french fries, done by the french, is fucked!

:kickass: Very tasty indeed, though I prefer cider vinegar

Also, I thought it was the Dutch that used mayo? Then again....I'm getting my info from Pulp Fiction soooooo, it may be a little off. :p

Steelcut oatmeal is faaaaaar superior to rolled oats. Just sayin'