Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

why are my friends always getting on my nervs with all their relationship-probs?

Because apparently; this is what friends do.

I know, because i've been rythmically slamming my head against the wall for the past 3 years due to the aforementioned reason..

Haha, oh wow:lol:
^shouldhav waited for the 666th page ;o

hmm I just realised I may be the only one with 10 post by pages... so not everyone in on the 665th page... fuck


I was like "WTF?". Any Norwegians care to translate?

Enslaved steal a sheep from a political leader, in protest of illegal music downloading.
I was like "WTF?". Any Norwegians care to translate?

Enslaved steal a sheep from a political leader, in protest of illegal music downloading.

It's about a political leader who thinks downloading music off the internet should be legalized. That man happens to be a farmer, and Enslaved steals one of his sheeps in protest.
1,) I wouldn't even pirate their music.
2.) What kind of faggot wears his own bands t-shirt?

Any artists who bitch about downloading should go find themselves real jobs.
Any artists who bitch about downloading should go find themselves real jobs.

This is ignorant. If you download music at least have the balls to admit that you're a thief.

The bands spend weeks and months in a studio, they can't work at a "real" job during this period. They spend time to produce something which is their property until you pay money for it.

Music is a product which has to be produced and only because these people love their job doesn't mean that this job is not "real".
This is ignorant. If you download music at least have the balls to admit that you're a thief.

The bands spend weeks and months in a studio, they can't work at a "real" job during this period. They spend time to produce something which is their property until you pay money for it.

Music is a product which has to be produced and only because these people love their job doesn't mean that this job is not "real".

I fully agree but i have to say its kinda gay if bands first say that they dont care about the money and baww about piracy afterwards. 'specially Enslaved. Theyre not popular enough to make shitloads of money anyway
This is ignorant. If you download music at least have the balls to admit that you're a thief.

The bands spend weeks and months in a studio, they can't work at a "real" job during this period. They spend time to produce something which is their property until you pay money for it.

Music is a product which has to be produced and only because these people love their job doesn't mean that this job is not "real".

That being said, how many bands in the world do you think there are that put effort into one or 2 singles on their album and just fart out the rest? Thousands.... I bought AYDY? Thinking "Hey, its bodom, I'll buy it before I download it this time, because I already know I'm going to like it..."
Then it ended up having 3 good songs on it...

Personally, artists should be rewarded for doing good work, with you buying their shit, not fool at least a few people into buying the album before they can spread the word it sucks (reading music reviews doesn't quite work imo, as music is supposed to be subjective).
lol. I download music all the time, but i end up deleting most of it because i think its rather fucking shit. What i like, ends up growing on me so much that i buy the album(s), and the circle is closed. If i didnt download, i would never have bought the album in the first place because; 1. i Dont trust reviews, nor the opinions of other people. 2. i dont have the money to fork out on random albums that i'll never listen to

To download and never buy, however. IS something that hurts CD Sales, and effectively inhibits the artists deal with the label. If enough people never buy the album, but "Love the band" regardless, the band might not recieve funding, nor help, from their label to do a second one, or they wont get tours, thus the fans will never, or very rarely, see them live and see another album. It's not as much the money from the album going to the band, as record sales showing popularity and amount of fans. Most of artists money come through merch and tours anyways.
That being said, how many bands in the world do you think there are that put effort into one or 2 singles on their album and just fart out the rest? Thousands.... I bought AYDY? Thinking "Hey, its bodom, I'll buy it before I download it this time, because I already know I'm going to like it..."
Then it ended up having 3 good songs on it...

Personally, artists should be rewarded for doing good work, with you buying their shit, not fool at least a few people into buying the album before they can spread the word it sucks (reading music reviews doesn't quite work imo, as music is supposed to be subjective).

This is not possible because it's all about taste. If Snickers brings out a new chocolate bar you don't like, you don't go to the store and steal it instead.

PLUS only because people don't like music like AYDY does not mean that the band hasn't put a shitload of work in it. The music is still their property, even a child would understand this simple fact.

I don't want to walk around and piss off you downloading people, but I want you to be honest and not to keep lying at yourself only to feel better.

EDIT: Buying shirts and going to concerts doesn't make it better, it's still stealing.

lol. I download music all the time, but i end up deleting most of it because i think its rather fucking shit. What i like, ends up growing on me so much that i buy the album(s), and the circle is closed. If i didnt download, i would never have bought the album in the first place because; 1. i Dont trust reviews, nor the opinions of other people. 2. i dont have the money to fork out on random albums that i'll never listen to

To download and never buy, however. IS something that hurts CD Sales, and effectively inhibits the artists deal with the label. If enough people never buy the album, but "Love the band" regardless, the band might not recieve funding, nor help, from their label to do a second one, or they wont get tours, thus the fans will never, or very rarely, see them live and see another album.

I can agree with that.