Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

So what are everyone's plans for the winter season? Going anywhere for Christmas?
No. And why the fuck are you even vacationing at Christmas??? You live in California, there's no goddamn snow for you to want to leave, really it boggles the mind. You just want to go for the sake of travel?

Everyone I've spoken to who has visited Finland says it's shit and grey :lol:
That's because it is :lol: Canada gets that way too during the winter, I can imagine in Finland it's like that the entire time :lol:
No. And why the fuck are you even vacationing at Christmas??? You live in California, there's no goddamn snow for you to want to leave, really it boggles the mind. You just want to go for the sake of travel?

hahahaha. snow is exactly what I want during Christmas!! that's precisely why I want to leave. Not everyone thinks alike you know.
Sometimes referred to as "Northern America", "Ca-nada", "Canawduh", "Gaynadia", "Can'tada", "Soviet Canuckistan", "America Jr.", "America Lite", "The Skinny America", "Diet America", "America's Hat", "Fake-USA", "The flea on America's ass", "U.S.EH", "the US of EH", "That big blank space between normal people and Alaska", "America's scapegoat", "America's fro","Kaneda!!", or "The 51st State." Canadia is a country located immediately north of the United States, starting directly above Portland, Maine. The two nations share a lot of similarities, because Canucks lack any culture and must imitate Americans. However, notable differences are that Canadia is always cold and has a different currency — called "dollarettes" — which, after a long history of being buttsecksed by the US dollar, are now just finally becoming about even in value are worth moar nope raped again. Many LJ users are from Canadia. It is hated by the Westboro Baptist Church due to its high population of fags and Cunucians (as we call them).
No. We are very different. Read very different as: BETTER.
You bring nothing to the world stage. How is that "better"?

Notice how when Obama wins the presidency, people in other countries celebrate. Does anyone aside from Candians know of anything that's taken place within its borders...ever?
Not true, but even if... Nothing > International Turmoil.

Hey, you can't put that all on the US. The world is doing a pretty good job at tearing itself apart on its own. We just have a current leader who exacerbates everything he sticks his cokeblower into.
Obama won't change much. He'll begin the movement of change, but do you think that huge ass companies that make millions per day will care about the population? Most he will change will be health services, in my opinion.

Besides, most people were happy because he was black. I'm pretty happy he won, but people are putting too much faith in him. If he actually does makes BIG changes (which I doubt), like XBOX HUEG, I will post a picture of myself drinking horsepiss. He's in deep shit, because he became the president of a country that is in deep shit. There is only so much one can do.
Obama going into the White House at this time is like the Titanic getting a new Captain in Command after it had already hit the iceberg. What the fuck is he gonna do with a sinking ship, rearrange the seating on the lifeboats? That's about it.
Well, americans are suckers for hope, and he pours gallons of it down their throats. If he can atleast START some changing, it would be better than the other scenario: Mccain falling over in a heartattack one week after the election and Sarah "I think Africa is a country" Palin takes over. Imagine THAT