Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Kinda like Macs AMIRITE? /nerdalert

But i suppose some people fret about that, my biggest issue are REALLY the few of my friends who adore the game, and talk to me as if we're FELLOW GUITARISTS when I'm the only one who can actually play an instrument worth shit :lol: but oh well :p
Why I hate GH:

some dude I know said:
I can play the solos to Angel of Death and Through the Fire and the Flames-
me said:
For serious dude? I don't like either band, but that takes skill regrdless :kickass:
some dude I know said:
-on Hard with avg. 97% score!!!!1!!1!1one! :D:D

I know it's just a game, and I wouldn't be that angry if it was still just so : the shit is taking too much importance nowadays. First, this is not a musical game : it's a rythm game. You're not supposed to play the song right, but only to follow the colors on the screen. So it is more asking from the visual than the earing. To me, the Rock Band drum set is what the game should be : axed on rythm. Second : it doesn't respect at all the real notes you play on a guitar. You don't play Come As You Are by 4-4-1-5. When you're a guitar player, you have to "unlearn" your reflexes to play properly. Third : you cannot play whatever you want. You're guided by the game, and you can't modulate the playing as you like. The GH ads make you believe you play music, and this is dangerous to me : YOU'RE NOT, this game is not even close to playing music, it's just a dissimulated version of the most basic principle of gaming : pushing the right buttons at the right moment. And don't tell me the kids can discover metal with this : if everything you know about Metallica is how to play One on extreme mode, you obviously know nothing.
4th (and major point) : to me, it contributes to the ruin of rock music. Seriously, Kurt Cobain as a playable character ? That would be the opposite to what he wanted. All the noise around GH is nothing but promotion, music industry, glitters, so far from what rock really is. It's like selling Pink Floyd on the iTunes store : totally pointless.
The rock culture is almost dead, and making it a fashion thing is not helping. Rock is everywhere nowadays. Back in 1995, listening to rock music made of you an asocial and a weird guy. Today, I see 20yo girls wearing perfectos and Motorhead shirts, and they don't know one fucking song from the band. It's like this "geek" thing. Big glasses, jacket in pants, loving maths and computers was a nerd thing two years ago, today it's the new black.
I think it would be cool to get the rock culture back today, but it's only a clothing mode. Girls who are "rock since birth" were "hip hop" three years ago. GH is kinda the same to me : it's hype to pretend you're a rockhead and you're a big fan of Lamb Of God, but you only know one song from them, loser.

See? What I said - confusing games with real life. Or caring too much that others do. So the game attracts some douchebags. Douchebags have been around for a while. I don't really see the connection between "it's too trendy" and "it makes you feel like you actually play something" and "the game sucks". It's as fun as rhythm games have gotten thus far, it's a cool and relaxing "party game", and I couldn't care less what a bunch of 13 y.o. idiots on Youtube make out of it. Not sure why you do.
i'm pissed with my windows boot cd, it doesn't fucking work... installing Ubuntu right naw