Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Well I think playing Guitar Hero is enjoyable, especially at parties. I don't like playing it alone, I don't see the purpose cuz then I can just pick up my guitar and play any song I want to play. But GH (especially Wold Tour and Metallica since they have all the instruments... or Rock Band) can be fun when you wanna jam but you're the only one who is able to play an instrument in your friends circle
^But you're not really jamming, just playing the buttons the game wants you to play. It's still lots of fun when played with more people, and even more, drunk.

Kinda like Macs AMIRITE? /nerdalert

But i suppose some people fret about that, my biggest issue are REALLY the few of my friends who adore the game, and talk to me as if we're FELLOW GUITARISTS when I'm the only one who can actually play an instrument worth shit :lol: but oh well :p

I have friends who play GH but they don't go pretentious like that, they know it's a game :lol:

Why I hate GH:

Angel Of Death's solo's not the best example as Slayer tend to just run a bit around the 15th fret and that's it, but yeah, I get you :)
I've had my harddrive for nearly 5 years now. Still runs great.

Tho it's bottlenecking my new pc as it's slow :(

I won't lie, never heard of a harddrive bottlenecking a PC. You've set a new record of "WTF"-ness just now :lol: Get a new one, you can get like a 2TB drive for $100 these days.

Posting personal stuff here to get other to comment on is like posting it on 4chan

And what's worse than 4chan? 12chan, of course ^__^
I won't lie, never heard of a harddrive bottlenecking a PC. You've set a new record of "WTF"-ness just now :lol: Get a new one, you can get like a 2TB drive for $100 these days.


I want a fast hard drive, not large. Well, at least faster than the one I have now + at least 1TB. Suggestions?

and ur mom is wtf, wtf is up with that
^ OMFG lol.

No useful suggestions from me - I'm not versed enough in hardware. Plus, I've been living in school/college dorms for the last 4 years, using a laptop.

I want a fast hard drive, not large. Well, at least faster than the one I have now + at least 1TB. Suggestions?

and ur mom is wtf, wtf is up with that


Western Digital Velociraptor, 300gb of 10000rpm. Only thing better would be to get a SCSI hdd, as they have a RPM right about 16000rpm, but they also cost 5 times more, and you'll need a interface that accepts them.

Theres also the 150gb version thats slightly cheaper, but not by much, i'd rather go for moar space and have games and windows on it, and have music gunk and all other crap(including windows pagefile) on a 1tb disk or similar

Western Digital Velociraptor, 300gb of 10000rpm. Only thing better would be to get a SCSI hdd, as they have a RPM right about 16000rpm, but they also cost 5 times more, and you'll need a interface that accepts them.

Theres also the 150gb version thats slightly cheaper, but not by much, i'd rather go for moar space and have games and windows on it, and have music gunk and all other crap(including windows pagefile) on a 1tb disk or similar

Yeah I've considered that one. Tho I have to shit some money first.

And yes, I thought about having a separate HDD for music and that shit.

What is an pagefiel?
Yeah I've considered that one. Tho I have to shit some money first.

And yes, I thought about having a separate HDD for music and that shit.

What is an pagefiel?

pagefile is basically virtual ram on your hdd, some claim that in modern computers this is not used as we now have excessive physical ram, but this is not true, windows feks still use a lot of forced pagefiling, as this is done on the hdd itself, it clogs up the t00bs. You can force windows to use less pagefile, but i dont know a way to turn it off, an other thing is to have the windows temporary folder on a bigger hdd too, but thats mostly just for freeing up space, as the performance boost is around nil
Well in general I don't really approve of people vainly attempting to show off their "skillz" via youtube. Let alone videos of guitar with no amp and "testing" videos.
The only time I remember saying I was "showing off my skillz" was regarding the editing in my Iron Tusk video, and that was merely a joke just because I changed the colour and added picture-in picture when none of my other videos have those. The testing was hopefully so I could get some feedback, I should have mentioned that in the first place though. The ones with no amp were fucking retarded though, I'll admit. :lol:

Regardless, you make a fair point.