Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

I feel bad if I don't buy an album actually worth paying for.
I mean, CDs are fucking cheap, I don't understand people who cries because albums are so "pricey" so they DONT HAVE THE CHOICE BUT TO DOWNLOAD IT. Next thing you know, they spend at least 30$/week for cigarettes.
Not everyone can afford to buy all the CDs they like. I can only buy the very few ones I like. Thankfully, the situation with CDs is lots better than, say, with movies or videogames. There's no excuse for a working person with a real income pirating those instead of buying, but if you don't have any income, it's a different question imo.
I agree. I don't see why people should prive themselves from listening to music. Buy the most you can, DL the rest. OR buy the good albums with nice packages, DL the shitty plastic-boxed one-sheet-booklet pieces of crap they try to sell for 17€.
I buy all the albums I like but I never pay much more than £5. Always online ofc, I bought an album new for £5 online and in a shop the next day I saw it for £16. Absolute BS. If they dont want people to pirate re think their fucking spastic pricing.
I wrote a paper on this subject, too bad I don't have the force to translate it.

Of course, on the net you don't have a store to own, a rent to pay, taxes, charges... That may be included in the price, but it's still too expensive. The music market is a pure joke anyway.
Eh, of course I buy everything on internet. Anyway most of the time they don't have in stores what I'm looking for.
Do it, it's fucking awesome.

Actually just do what you want, there have been moments when I've regretted cutting off my lovely man locks. But overall life is SO MUCH EASIER.

I can imagine, Its just I've had long hair since like 2003 or something. So I have no idea wtf I'm going to look like. It will be weird as fuck. Not trying to imply that I look normal now or anything :lol:
I can imagine, Its just I've had long hair since like 2003 or something. So I have no idea wtf I'm going to look like. It will be weird as fuck. Not trying to imply that I look normal now or anything :lol:

I have the same situation. I'll probably get mine cut this weekend or something.

Fucking long hair is making me bald and putting it behind my ear all the time is annoying as fuck.
yeah I miss my long hair sometimes, but due to aging and receeding hairlines, there's really no going back : /
Ah well, despite how it feels, short hair will always look better to non-fatgoth girls :p.
You're all going bald?? :lol: THe way I part my hair in the middle of my head has made a slight appearance of scalp but but it's nothing THAT noticeable. Damn guys...
You went through the torture of "mid-length" hair again? That's the main deterrent against me growing my hair back. That and I look sexy now, damn sexy mmmmmm.
You're all going bald?? :lol: THe way I part my hair in the middle of my head has made a slight appearance of scalp but but it's nothing THAT noticeable. Damn guys...

All the men on my moms side of the family are bald, and my hair is basically like theirs. Currently, however, it has a nice smooth edge :cool: