Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Last Saturday I nearly burnt my house by passing out when cooking mid-night, and somehow the smoke made me think that's it for smoking. I said you want smoke, well fuck you. Now I'll smoke only when drinking, so the same 6/7 banned law applies here.

A year ago I was so drunk I thought my headphones were broken so I tossed them to the street and went to buy some new shit ones, woke up in the morning and thought what's this. Got really pissed off and decided to start saving money. Since then I've saved 25% of my net salary.
you're just an idiot who really shouldn't drink or live alone :lol:
especially these two things show how dumb you are.

Dio has stomach cancer :(
I read that yesterday :waah:

But his wife seems to have the right words.
''After he kills this dragon, Ronnie will be back on stage, where he belongs, doing what he loves best, performing for his fans''

These are actually kind of cool. Though I'd prefer to get one of a band I actually like :p
I want someone to paint either V: Havitetty or Verisakeet on mine :p
So I'm reading this article about a rapist going after pregnant women, and the police released a mock up on what he looks like:


Chris, what the hell are you doing in sweden