Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Kaga why is your chest red?
Shave irritation? :/

>implying he can grow body hair

>ugly as fuck but act like i get bitches
>dumb as shit but act like im smarter than everyone
>basement dweller with wage job and no bills but act like im a carefree millionaire
>pretend i think being a troll is cool but really trying to cover up that i cant even make friends online
>think unfunny replies is trolling

You sure showed us. :worship:
>ugly as fuck but act like i get bitches
>dumb as shit but act like im smarter than everyone
>basement dweller with wage job and no bills but act like im a carefree millionaire
>pretend i think being a troll is cool but really trying to cover up that i cant even make friends online
>think unfunny replies is trolling

You sure showed us. :worship:

Dude he goes to Australia, therefore he MUST be cool.
>ugly as fuck but act like i get bitches
>dumb as shit but act like im smarter than everyone
>basement dweller with wage job and no bills but act like im a carefree millionaire
>pretend i think being a troll is cool but really trying to cover up that i cant even make friends online
>think unfunny replies is trolling

lol congrats on trying to describe me Joesus, are you satisfied to have your epeen boost now? :lol: