Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Can you faggots stop the internet rage and look at this? (the link)

:lol: Can you stop the internet rage and look at us?

I know you're 13 and think that you can do something about it, but you can't. Only time bad shit stops is if it costs the powers that be money (this is why India got independence from Britain but millions protesting Iraq war worldwide doesn't mean shit). Only thing you can do is not fucking watch it or think about it. You didn't give a shit before you knew it was going on, and you will forget about it after. Don't fixate on the bad shit.

You do realize that while you posted that, somewhere in the world a 5 year old took it up the ass from her uncle? The world is full of awful shit, and capitalism has only industrialized the filth. We're on the fast track to destruction and the top tier have too good of a stranglehold on the sheeple to change it. Sit back and enjoy the ride my brother, the end is nigh.
The Kid came here, found out what 4chan was and how awesome we are, and is now acting tough to everyone to try to gain erespect.

Ive seen it son, you used to be so cute :(
Btw for those who are interested in that rash-covered AIDS pateint physique, here is the book Kaga bases his diet on:

@Joe: I'm not an idiot, I know the world is a fucking terrible place, and I can't change it, but shit like that just makes me want to bomb things into oblivion (inb4 terrorist)

The Kid came here, found out what 4chan was and how awesome we are, and is now acting tough to everyone to try to gain erespect.

What? If I wanted to gain people's respect, I'd do it IRL before I did it on here of all places :lol:
@Joe: I'm not an idiot, I know the world is a fucking terrible place, and I can't change it, but shit like that just makes me want to bomb things into oblivion (inb4 terrorist)
Raging on the internet wont help either.

Though, these animal crushing people are still fucked. Way more than you are.

Your finger tapping definitely needs work, easily fixed though.

Set your metronome to a slow speed until you can tap and play each note cleanly, if it's not clean, slow it down some more, even to Funeral Doom speed. You have to hear every note cleanly.

Only when you can play it clean, speed it up an increment, if it sounds sloppy slow it down till you can play it cleanly for say, 5 minutes ... yes minutes - not seconds, then slowly work your way up.

Pick hard and flat (not with pick at angle) to build up right fore-arm strength and personally, I think it sounds a lot better in recordings. It's a slow process but worth it.

This goes with any clean playing not only for tapping.

There's different ways to tap too, I prefer to play in reverse on the way back down the neck.


1, 3, tap, 3, 1

rather than

1, 3, tap, 1
