Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Where can I see more? I can't find shit on google. I have no sexual desire to see her naked, I just have a thing for LOLing at this kind of stuff.

Why would you expect there to me more? I doubt she did a jizz themed photo shoot :lol:
She could be cute if she wasn't so whorish.

..and so drugf*cked, her eyes are always half closed in every candid photo I've seen of her.


So people actually like this greasy looking bitch? I wouldn't touch her with the broad side of a bat. Would be a waste of a good bat.
i smashed a fly with my shoe and when i removed my shoe i saw larva :cry:
and then i tried to smash the larva with my shoe, but they're still alive :waah:

the ones attached to my shoe i rinsed off, but there are like 7 or so still autistically dancing around their flattened mother :yuk:

my question: can those things survive for long? i don't have any insecticide :(
and i don't feel like scraping them off the wall,c ause it's gross... smashing them is no option as it didn't work before :/
google says they need rotting flesh to survive, i don't have anything rotten in my room though and technically they didn't.. erm... hatch?

i hate bugs, and i don't wanna sit with my feet on the ground, 'cause 2 of the icky things fell down and they're tiny and i have a wooden plank floor and cannot see them :yell:
