Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

I'm so goddamn lazy. Dad wants me to go do some work with him...like put some gravel (or wtf it's called) on our yard before the cold cruel Finnish winter arrives. Shit sucks.

So instead I am having a cola and posting on COBOT...which in itself is a enormous waste of time too.
I'm so goddamn lazy. Dad wants me to go do some work with him...like put some gravel (or wtf it's called) on our yard before the cold cruel Finnish winter arrives. Shit sucks.

So instead I am having a cola and posting on COBOT...which in itself is a enormous waste of time too.

^You bitch go help your dad

This. Seriously. My dad would always make me help him do shit. If I didn't he would probably beat my ass. Eventhough I was a teenage faggot, I still helped. I may have hated it sometimes but looking back, it was good times. Don't be a faggot and help your dad. Have some godamn respect.
I did help my dad. It still fucking sucks when you get used to living on your own and come here and got all this stuff you are expected to do.
Atleast I get free food, so it's worth it if i help a little bit!

I'm lazy because I was the guy driving all the drunks last night and I almost hit some old lady at 2-3 AM wtf. Shit was like from a horror movie!
It still fucking sucks when you get used to living on your own and come here and got all this stuff you are expected to do.

Yes, they fucking raised you, paid for everything you ever wanted and needed, gave you all their love and attention for 18 years and you still have the balls to fucking whine that when you come to visit you are expected to do a few chores.

And I thought American kids were spoiled, lazy fucks.
And I thought American kids were spoiled, lazy fucks.

Just depends on the family, same as anywhere else. My parents stopped helping me with anything when I was 13, and I do mean anything. I'm sure there are people in every country who deal with shitty parents and then there are shitty kids with great parents.
Judging by your posts and everything you've ever said on here, you're lucky they held on till you were 13. You'd have ended up in a dumpster behind Pizza Pizza if you were my kid.
Dude, whenever I fly down to my parents I'm doing stuff as if I still lived there. A friend cut down 2 massive trees on their front lawn and we've been splitting them the past 2 days I've been here. My fucken back hurts.
I'm treated like a guest and do nothing :lol:
But I rarely stay over. Its also odd since Both my parents have moved around since I moved out so its not really my house or anything :/ I cook somethings, that's about it.
It still fucking sucks when you get used to living on your own and come here and got all this stuff you are expected to do.
Atleast I get free food, so it's worth it if i help a little bit!

My mum lives with my sister an hour and a half away and every time I visit I mow the lawns. They tell me not to worry as they pay a guy $50 to do it but they feed me and give me food to take home so it's the least I could do.

Judging by your posts and everything you've ever said on here, you're lucky they held on till you were 13. You'd have ended up in a dumpster behind Pizza Pizza if you were my kid.

I could say the same to you :] I'd wake up and casually beat you everyday until you were old enough to try to fight back, in which case I would beat you with some sort of blunt instrument.

That aside, my point still stands, people spoil their kids all over the world, it's not just here.
My grandmother spoils the hell out of me. She's worth a cool couple million in just real estate alone. I come home with a thick wad of 20's rubber banded every time I see her. I feel like such a failure compared to her. She has duel citizenship in Italy, and here. Speaks 3 languages, owns homes in the Hampton's, and West Palm beach. Has owned one of each type of animal imaginable and constantly travels to the family in Australia and Italy.
My grandmother spoils the hell out of me. She's worth a cool couple million in just real estate alone. I come home with a thick wad of 20's rubber banded every time I see her. I feel like such a failure compared to her. She has duel citizenship in Italy, and here. Speaks 3 languages, owns homes in the Hampton's, and West Palm beach. Has owned one of each type of animal imaginable and constantly travels to the family in Australia and Italy.
A fast comparaison with her age and yours should do the trick.