Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Yes, they fucking raised you, paid for everything you ever wanted and needed, gave you all their love and attention for 18 years and you still have the balls to fucking whine that when you come to visit you are expected to do a few chores.

And I thought American kids were spoiled, lazy fucks.

Lulz, I do loads of stuff at home and have always done. I think I am allowed to feel lazy about getting my hangover-y ass out into the cold to pick up rotten apples from a overgrown piece of shit apple-tree that neither dad or me could give a rats ass about before now :lol: It's not like I throw a fucking fit when he asks me of something :lol: I am just used to living alone...

So no, I am not such a lazy ass as my post maybe made you think. I do come home and occasionally help him with the renovation he is doing and did so for all summer!


I tend to be lazy when I get home since my weeks can get quite busy when I go to Uni and I have alot of pressure because economy is tight and to be honest I'd feel like taking 4 weeks off on a desert island with just food and beer and no one around :lol:
I dont even help out around my own house. I used to, and was known as the one to keep the kitchen clean, and I usually did.
But I just stopped like a month ago, and no one has really bitched at me. I've not touched the dishwasher in weeks, I do too much of that shit at work.
I do chores when I'm asked to. I don't enjoy cleaning my own room at all because it's so full of EVERYTHING and I don't know where to put stuff. But I'll gladly clean anyone else's home(for money would be even better though).
I dont even help out around my own house. I used to, and was known as the one to keep the kitchen clean, and I usually did.
But I just stopped like a month ago, and no one has really bitched at me. I've not touched the dishwasher in weeks, I do too much of that shit at work.

Dishwasher is luxury I do not have :(
>my face when i found out that Gojira is making a mini-album to support Sea Shepherd/Whale Wars/Paul Watson

I hate whaling but I hate that fucking show even more. They aren't really doing shit but acting hardcore. Smelly butter doesn't help anything. If I was a Jap I'd kill the whales in a more painful way just to spite them. Anyways, when I read that their 1 million dollar boat got destroyed... only thing that makes me happier in the news is when insurgents in Afghanistan try to attack UN bases and then get fucking chopper gunner'd :lol: The headline is line "80 Dead in Attack on Base" and I'm worried then I read on and realize "attack started around ____, they had machine guns and RPGs.... air support was called in.... all deaths were insurgents"
That's why PETA get's no respect. The Dept. of Agriculture has laws on how animals are to be treated and slaughtered. There's no need for vigilantes to go around ridiculing someone who beats a chicken to death with a bat or cuts the head off a pig with a chainsaw. The government is supposed to do that shit, and without the Discovery channel deal $$$.
Back in class again and I'm psyched. My new class is awesome. Guy I work next to knows whats hes doing and we work together extremely well. There's even a BlackMetal kid in my class with a thick accent, its lolz. Fettuccine puttanesca, and spinach/mushroom/cheese ravioli in a creme sauce.

Since all the threads in this forum are the fuckign same I'll post how to make the sauce, as its really fucking easy and tastes awesome.

Finely chop a shallot and some thyme. Sweat the shallot with thyme, salt, and pepper, then deglaze with some white wine. Add creme to cover and fill some of the pan. Season with a dash of lemon juice, and reduce. Add some chopped chives and parsley at the end.
Random shit: I've just read an article about a woman who had apparently stolen an old man's money. They took her to the police and searched her for the money, found nothing, but as she was getting dressed three bills fell out from her arse, and now she's in a jail's hospital, "eliminating the money", that's exactly how the article says it. I swear to God I'm not even lying, I SWEAR. :lol: :lol: