Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Ok, they beat up 2 drunks? How is that something to be proud of? Doesn't matter if they picked on The Hulk or Steve Urkel, anyone can floor a drunk. Gravity is your enemy when you're wasted.
Went to Blind Guardian last night... was fuckign epic... but a lot of enjoyment was ruined by drunk assholes trying to start shit. Not expecting that at all :lol: some nerd got into a fight with a 5'0'' blonde girl. No one is doing anything to help her so I grabbed him by the throat and immediately he was almost in tears :lol: "Don't touch me." in the whiniest fucking voice over and over till I let him go. But the BEST part of the night was some asshole was attacking some 14 year old trying to get up front (like punching him in the head and everything) so moved from my spot to the centre and I fucking punched him in head and stunned him enough to slip a rear naked choke on his ass :lol: then security was trying to bounce me and everyone was telling him it was this asshole that needed to go but security couldn't get him so I went under him and put him on my shoulder and squatted him up over the crowd and threw him up at the security guard who caught him and dragged him out. The guy was also bigger than me. Felt good man.
Went to Blind Guardian last night... was fuckign epic... but a lot of enjoyment was ruined by drunk assholes trying to start shit. Not expecting that at all :lol: some nerd got into a fight with a 5'0'' blonde girl. No one is doing anything to help her so I grabbed him by the throat and immediately he was almost in tears :lol: "Don't touch me." in the whiniest fucking voice over and over till I let him go. But the BEST part of the night was some asshole was attacking some 14 year old trying to get up front (like punching him in the head and everything) so moved from my spot to the centre and I fucking punched him in head and stunned him enough to slip a rear naked choke on his ass :lol: then security was trying to bounce me and everyone was telling him it was this asshole that needed to go but security couldn't get him so I went under him and put him on my shoulder and squatted him up over the crowd and threw him up at the security guard who caught him and dragged him out. The guy was also bigger than me. Felt good man.

Everyone knows that you're going to gigs to punch the drunks.
Don't try to fool us.
:lol: No, I don't like to do it but something always happens when I go out to these things... I have been itching to join XtremeCouture (an MMA gym that isn't that far from where I live)... I think last night tipped my decision to do it. Choking the shit out of that loser then lifting him up and throwing him like a little girl was a big rush. I'm sure real fighters will beat my ass but in time I will gain ze skillz.
:lol: No, I don't like to do it but something always happens when I go out to these things... I have been itching to join XtremeCouture (an MMA gym that isn't that far from where I live)... I think last night tipped my decision to do it. Choking the shit out of that loser then lifting him up and throwing him like a little girl was a big rush. I'm sure real fighters will beat my ass but in time I will gain ze skillz.

Ok, they beat up 2 drunks? How is that something to be proud of? Doesn't matter if they picked on The Hulk or Steve Urkel, anyone can
floor a drunk. Gravity is your enemy when you're wasted.

You didnt lift him, its all about gravity!
Yeah I was too busy holding back people from fighting last night in order to fight myself. Because when some guy twice your size is raging "LET ME GO IMA TEAR HIS FACE OFF" and needs two people (also bigger than you) to hold him back, and you're all alone in the street middle of the night, the logical thing is to stand there, drunkenly wobbling back and forth, saying things like "I'm right heeere maaan, commooon"

Crusty white people are the biggest my pals.
Then you will stay in your Italian shit hole FOREVER :danceboy:

Fix'd. :lol: The flight was back home, to the Romanian shit hole. :( I'm still gonna try and copy-paste it in word and notepad and work it up in Paint so it looks like it looks in my e-mail. :lol:

Bullshit of the day: There's an international marathon thingie in Florence and the people are running practically on the left side of my house and I can see them from my window and they're so fucking many and it's raining outside and oh god so cold and they're in shorts and so many old people. :( Go home, people, go home. :(
I have been itching to join XtremeCouture (an MMA gym that isn't that far from where I live)

Do it!

I'm not a fan, haven't really watched that much of it but from what I've seen of MMA is there is too much ground work for my liking. In real life you don't want to end up on the ground...but it is good to have skills in case you do and some martial arts cover ground. Also MMA really is based on scoring points moreso than self defence.

Here's a great read on the subject from the eyes of a bouncer who's witnessed many fights

A Geoff Thompson article.

To give a quick summary he's saying in real life, the most effective defense is to hit first, hit once, hit them in the jaw, hit as hard as you can, then run.

You don't want to be around for cops, their friends to gang up on you, having to go to court, etc.

Don't let it discourage you doing a martial art, you still gain so much from it and don't be afraid to visit many different dojos first to see what style/training environment appeals to you.

hit them in the jaw

I have to add, always use a palm/open hand strike to the head.

A punch to any hard surface often ends in injury, broken bones, split knuckles and/or infection. Forget what you see in Hollywood, boxers wear gloves for a reason and they rarely show screen fighters punching in the style of 'fisticuffs'.

Deliver a haymaker to the mouth and you'll more than likely end up with the other persons teeth embedded in your fist. Human saliva is quite toxic and some punch infections have resulted in the amputation of fingers.

Fighting is gay. I'm a little drunk.

I need to make a menu for class, like one for a resteraunt.
I need to include recipes for every item, food cost percentages, and mise en place.

People give me some fukcing ideas.
Fighting is gay.

I have to agree but it's best to be equipped for the situation than not.

I agree with the 'art of avoidance' that Geoff Thompson mentions and the funny thing is the more Martial Arts training you do the more you learn not to use it if that makes sense.

One guy tried to pick me and I said, "mate, don't waste your time" - he stopped to let that sink in then backed off.

Another time a guy drinking near me lost his pot then suddenly turned aggressive, trying to blame me and he started to shape up, I said in a strong tone, "Hey! Fuck off!"

He left immediately, went over to a couple of dudes, started hitting on a girl they were with, the next thing both of them are laying into him and a bouncer threw him out. Shortly after a bottle comes flying in smashing a plate glass section of the door, the bouncers ran out after him but he did the bolt.

The thing is if people can see you know how to handle yourself you don't have to prove it, you can get away communicating the right body language and verbal. You can also de-escalate a situation calmly, it just depends on who you're dealing with. A good dojo should train you 'confrontations'.

I need to make a menu for class....People give me some fukcing ideas.

Some things I've eaten while dining out recently:

Mexican beef with nachos - included beans, cheese melted on it & topped with vegies.

Last week had a Zigeuner Schnitzel at the Bavarian Bier Cafe

Menus here
