So did my prep for exams today.
We had to all of our food on our own trays in the fridge at class, if it wasn't on the tray we can't use it tomorrow.
So I was getting ready to put the LAST of my shit on my tray, and about to clean up, when I saw the dumbass bitch in my class just puts the raw bacon... completely unwrapped and open... right in the middle of my fucking tray. She obviously didn't know where to put it, so she tossed it in the first place she shes. Also a 1/2lbs stick of butter too, but thats not as irritating... because I had to go let the school know what happened, because now my vegetables and everything was contaminated with raw meat. I find out tomorrow if I can even continue my exam.
She was the last person using it all, everyone saw it and knows it, as everyone was done with it hours before hand and she decided to re-start her dish and needed it again. She claims to be very christian too, has told us we should be going to church before. Lied RIGHT to my face when I told her not to just leave shit on my tray.
If I'm aloud to continue, no issue, my exam is going to be a breeze...otherwise I'm in school for another MONTH, because winter break starts this week. FFFFUUUUU