Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

My roommate tries convincing me bacon is the best thing ever.
Goes and cooks up "Maple-flavouring" bacon, with fake maple syrup on it.
House smells like an American breakfast house.

"guys, I need the kitchen to practice for exams.."
"Okay, just allow us to make bacon and eggs, a meal that would take a normal person 20minutes tops, but we'll take an hour and a half and not clean any of it up...SOUND GOOD!?!?!"


Some people just missed out on chicken and cake >8(
:lol: 1 is all I got too.... I'm still waaay too fat. 37 lbs to go.

I started doing tricep dips between benches though, fucking makes my dick hard. Not literally. The dick in my mind, I mean. I am making good gains althletically.... but not in strength. Fucking disappointing. I need to get on a different routine. But I'm overthinking it and reading waaaaay too much shit and getting discouraged. Everything else is improving (cardio, endurance, looks, etc) but my strength. Today was the first time I could even get past 6 reps at this weight. And it was really fucking hard to finish without sacrificing form. Aw well.
I am making good gains althletically.... but not in strength. Fucking disappointing. Everything else is improving (cardio, endurance, looks, etc) but my strength.

Nothin to be disappointed about, all those gains are pretty good. Everyone gets stagnant periods & you'll get to a stage where the gains plateau. I hear changing routine every 3 weeks keeps the muscle from getting bored but I found too rapid a change & you end up droppin the weights too much so I make minimal changes.

Personally I'm not after getting bigger/stronger. I trained hard and got big when I was unemployed but it was too hard to maintain & have a life. Was cool gettin attention and in summer wearing singlets but dressed up I felt too big. I noticed more attention from 'heavier' girls.

I found my old myspace page that I stopped using when i was 18
I really wish I could remember the e-mail I had so I can go delete it :/
Strength is relative.

I agree and what do you want the strength for, a certain sport, etc.?

Weightlifters are stronger than bodybuilders at clean & jerk but who has the better physique? I also think bodybuilders take it too far with the 'roids and look ridiculous, lined up on stage they all even out but next to an average person they're too huge.

Both of them are strong and threatening looking, usually don't have much endurance and a much smaller skilled martial artist, boxer, street fighter could wipe the floor with them.

I still train weights but if I take time off I shrink and it's frustrating when you have less to show for all the effort. I'm bigger than average atm and just train to maintain it and keep healthy.

I advocate weight training along with a sport or martial art for the aerobic content, I find it more enjoyable than a treadmill, etc.

Yea, really, the older you get the harder it is to get the gains like a teenager or 20 year old would get. Clean that is, Stallone was using hgh so he could just bulk up as quick as he did for his movies. The motherfucker is 60.
Yea, really, the older you get the harder it is to get the gains like a teenager or 20 year old would get.

A teenager or 20 year old is still growing so the gains come along with growth.

One guy told me he read (bodybuilding mag.) it's best to start around 22, after you're fully developed and the bones have stopped growing. I imagine it could be detrimental if you were really pushing heavy or taking 'roids but I started weight training younger than that, can't say it stunted my growth. I'm 6 foot tall, my brother is taller and dad was 6'6" but mum was short and I think that would have more to do with me being shortest.

As for gains, once you've been big it stays in your muscle memory for some time. When I take time off, shrink then return to training, the gains are much quicker than how it was when I started.

I did some work at a remote worksite, it had a gym & an all you can eat kitchen so I found myself with not much else to do in my spare time than gorging and training. After ~ 3 weeks on site I returned noticeably bulked up - felt good man!

Stallone (or his aids) got done by customs the last time he was in Australia, they found a lot of vials of human growth hormone.

So did my prep for exams today.
We had to all of our food on our own trays in the fridge at class, if it wasn't on the tray we can't use it tomorrow.
So I was getting ready to put the LAST of my shit on my tray, and about to clean up, when I saw the dumbass bitch in my class just puts the raw bacon... completely unwrapped and open... right in the middle of my fucking tray. She obviously didn't know where to put it, so she tossed it in the first place she shes. Also a 1/2lbs stick of butter too, but thats not as irritating... because I had to go let the school know what happened, because now my vegetables and everything was contaminated with raw meat. I find out tomorrow if I can even continue my exam.

She was the last person using it all, everyone saw it and knows it, as everyone was done with it hours before hand and she decided to re-start her dish and needed it again. She claims to be very christian too, has told us we should be going to church before. Lied RIGHT to my face when I told her not to just leave shit on my tray.

If I'm aloud to continue, no issue, my exam is going to be a breeze...otherwise I'm in school for another MONTH, because winter break starts this week. FFFFUUUUU

She claims to be very christian too, has told us we should be going to church before. Lied RIGHT to my face when I told her not to just leave shit on my tray.

I can't stand people who see themselves as holier than thou and push the Christian issue to cover up their shit but I detect you're in the presence of a pathological liar?

Just rape her.

And I stole a 2.5lb tub of Creatine from Walmart earlier, along with a tub of Protein Powder... idiots let me walk right out with it. To be honest, I haven't bought a thing of protein powder in months thanks to this... but today was the first time I bothered to snatch up some creatine too.

I would pay but they upped it to $26 for the protein powder (I go through like 3-4 a month) and it was like $45 for the creatine.
Oh I know. It's a blend of creatine with dextrose and other shit to help it be absorped (and is fruit punch flavoured????). It's got 41g of carbs (all sugar) per scoop so it definately gives that insulin spike :lol: Good work on knowing your shit.

I don't know how good it's gonna be though, I will report back in a few weeks with my results. Imma switch up my routine, do a load cycle, then just do 5g a day for 4 weeks and see where I'm at.