Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Just rape her.

And I stole a 2.5lb tub of Creatine from Walmart earlier, along with a tub of Protein Powder... idiots let me walk right out with it. To be honest, I haven't bought a thing of protein powder in months thanks to this... but today was the first time I bothered to snatch up some creatine too.

I would pay but they upped it to $26 for the protein powder (I go through like 3-4 a month) and it was like $45 for the creatine.

I did, I wrote a formal complaint to the school, I'll complain again if she passes the course, thats fucked.

Also :lol: they didn't want to stop the guy with the creatine and protein powder :p. I did a scoop of creatine once, with some orange juice. I was JACKED all weekend. I went out clubbing untill 5am, woke up at 10am next morning, made everyone breakfast and we had a house party. I then slept from 5am-4pm next night :p
do a load cycle, then just do 5g a day for 4 weeks and see where I'm at.

Be sure to take a break, I can't remember the figures but you do so many weeks on then so many weeks off, apparently when you get back on the gains are bigger. I found the stuff gave me that extra push in the last few reps of each set, they just felt stronger and I'd squeeze out an extra one or two. My muscles also looked fuller.

I did a scoop of creatine once, with some orange juice. I was JACKED all weekend. I went out clubbing untill 5am, woke up at 10am next morning, made everyone breakfast and we had a house party. I then slept from 5am-4pm next night :p

...and your mate's still wondering what happened to his meth.

I wish it had that effect on me. :lol:

Edit: Be sure to take breaks, creatine has been linked to liver problems and the like - in some people.

Ionna, never really read about any problems unless the people didn't follow instructions... also I read that going off isn't necessary... but rather it was just that after a few weeks you get used to the gains you've made with it so you think it has stopped working as effectively... then after you stop, you notice how much it DID help so when you go back on it feels like you gained more strength.
They didn't let you write your exam then?? Or what happened?

I was concerend I couldn't, cause my food was in contact with raw meat.

But they let it go, she failed all aspects of organization, and cleanliness, which are huge marks.

Exam passed, I rock. Pic of my dessert when im done cooking my dinner.
I'm too full of knowledge right now from studying to look it up and read a bunch of shit... give me the run down of what the fuck it is and what it's supposed to do.
me the run down of what the fuck it is and what it's supposed to do.

Doing a quick google, from Bodybuilding.com:

Creatine, glutamine and protein are 3 of the top supplements for gaining lean muscle and strength.

Fuel Your Performance
Promote Glycogen Resynthesis
Support Protein Metabolism
The Athlete's Amino Acid

Glutamine is highly in demand throughout the body. It is used in the gut and immune system extensively to maintain optimal performance.

60% of free-form amino acids floating in skeletal muscles is L-glutamine.

L-glutamine plays a very important role in protein metabolism and it appears to be a very important nutrient for athletes.

When supplemented, it may help athletes reduce the amount of muscle breakdown that occurs because other tissues that need glutamine will not rob the glutamine stored in the muscle cells

Glutamine's generally present in animal proteins, a 'brain food', improves mental capacities, used in treatment of depression, alcoholism, schizophrenia, senility, etc.

Good for the nervous & immune system, in times of stress, illness and after surgery, shortens the healing time of ulcers, used in many treatments.

NO but it makes you absorb water like a motherfucker, water weight goes up quite a bit, then it all goes down when you stop. Im not reading the gingerrant, tld;r
Make your muscle absorb more energy basically BUT the shit does also attract water if it doesn't digest properly so it makes you bloated as fuck. Aw well, don't have anyone to impress.
If you're gonna take creatine take the good stuff. The cheap shit will give you stomach cramps like a mothafucka!
To be honest creatine is only good when combined with other stuff, like a nitric oxide product...it doesn't do much on its own unless taken in high doses. My advice would be not to waste money on creatine. If you only want it for the energy you should take caffeine pills instead; they're much cheaper and work beautifully.
Well I didn't pay for it and I don't forsee that I will... also, it is a creatine blend formula which I read is superior to creatine alone as it contains Nitric Oxide, and a bunch of other stuff for opimum delivery to your body. Thanks for the info though man, I trust your word for sure.