Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

If you start taking creatine and get lax with your working out.........

That applies to everything, anyone with common sense would know when you get lax with your working out you aren't going to gain.

You train, you reach a plateau, then you take supplements to give you a bit more boost, they're called 'supplements' because you supplement your normal and supposedly healthy diet with them.

What irks me is these people who don't exercise hard enough and drink Gatorade and the like thinking it's healthier for them. If you don't put your body under the stress required to lose electrolytes, etc. it will just make you fatter.

I haven't bought Gatorade since 1998. Back when Orbitz was on the shelves :lol: And I exercise at 80% my BPM for 35 mins on the bike then run for 20 mins... I'm soaked in sweat and feeling high but I drink a SHITLOAD of water all day long... I know that doesn't serve the same purpose as Gatorade but I dunno... I've never really felt the need to have it.
Ohwa, a workout-muscle-protein-Supplements ..... discussion!

Well, I'm kinda weak so, yay!

Can anyone figure out why the hell I can't find servers on example BF2 and steam-games, probably something to do with the router, some port but I can't find the sullution.. =( Help me UM!
I exercise at 80% my BPM for 35 mins on the bike then run for 20 mins.

Recent studies say the best aerobic exercise is high intensity interval training.

Aim to hit 5-10 peaks of 100%, but you don't stay there for longer than 20-60 seconds. The rest of the time you can train at around 30-50%.

By reaching peaks you not only burn larger amounts of calories, you also burn more energy after your exercise has finished. This extra bonus fat burning is post exercise calorie consumption also known as post exercise oxygen consumption.

Studies on this go back and for. I like to train at high intensity for long periods because it builds my endurance while burning calories (VO2 Max, cardio, etc).

Basically intervals burns more calories after exercise than steady state does (and more from fat) but the TOTAL calories burned is still ALWAYS less than steady state (if you're doingitrite) and that is all that matters. When I get more lean I'm gonna incorporate a lot of HIIT since I won't burn 600 calories from 35 minutes on a bike. Only thing I make sure is that I had eaten properly before I go so I don't lose muscle instead of fat (the energy pathways used for high intensity exercise can do this).

I love how we all think we're fitness gurus because we read shit online :lol: I mean you might be, but I am just a dude who was in decent shape who got fat as fuck and now I'm halfway back to what I used to be but technically healthier/stronger than I've ever been in my life.
I love how we all think we're fitness gurus because we read shit online :lol: I mean you might be

Nah not qualified or anything, just passing on info. I've trained on and off for years, I pick up things from instructors, people and articles but if you ask 100 people you'll get 100 different opinions.

I recall a Dr. on the radio saying every 50 years in medicine new discoveries debunk 50% of what was common practice/knowledge, with the next cycle some of the newer methods get written off and sometimes the old ways are proven better.

Same goes with training and nutrition carbohydrates were good, then bad, then good again. It seems there's always new knowledge around the corner and I suppose if there wasn't the magazines wouldn't sell.

Avoid bodybuilding mags, they're owned by supplement companies, the bodybuilders featured are on $5,000 of steroids per month and paid to tell you that weight gainer is going to make you look just like them :rolleyes:

Stick to the basics, try different things and manipulate it all to suit your lifestyle.

I went to see Tron Legacy last night. I was never a big fan of the original, and I didn't have high expectations for this one, but after popping in and watching the first 15 minutes of the movie at the theater I work at, I decided I had to see it. I'm glad I did, it was one of the better movies I've seen in quite some time. I went to see the 3D version of it, which ended up being cooler than I thought it would, because I typically hate 3D movies. This one wasn't so much 3D, there isn't shit popping out at you and going insane. Instead it makes it seem like you're seeing in High Def, it was pretty epic :)

The soundtrack is pretty good too imo.
I'm seeing Tron3D on christmas with my mom <3. Right after dinner at the Keg.

My brother is going to jokingly ask if we can smoke a dube on the way in, and see how that works out :p
"Hey Mom, wanna smoke a dube on the way in?"
*brakes screech*
"What did you just say!?"
*grabs crowbar from under the seat*
"No, mommy, no!"
"I can believe my own son is a drug addict!"

Then he'll be beaten to death to keep your family's honour. That's the only way it can play out.
My brother is going to jokingly ask if we can smoke a dube on the way in, and see how that works out :p

I did this with my mom last year on my birthday. We had a massive party at her house in the middle of nowhere and we weren't sure how she would take it if we wanted to smoke, so I just casually asked her and she broke her stash for us and got us all high as fuck. If you're an adult, what's the worst she can do lol? I don't think smoking weed really makes you a bad person, it just depends on how much of your life you'll let it consume and what you're doing aside from that.

I'm pretty sure you're a chef or something (correct me if I'm wrong), but you're obviously doing something with your life, so who cares if you smoke a little weed in your free time.