Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

gotta love german ads
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So I had to work 11pm - 3am tonight at the theater and luckily caught the managers as they were about to replace the Tron standee. After work me and one of my co-workers went through the trouble of disassembling this giant ass Light Cycle so we could barely fit it in his car.

I now have a couch sized light cycle in my room. I feel proud for reasons unknown or explainable.
Fuck my neighbour or whoever woke me me up with his fucking bloodhound gang best of...
My work is on strike and I'm not union, soooo promoted to full time. Yay.
Apprently the picket line is brutal too, people are throwing shit at workers and calling them scabs.

I've not seen a single protester, they must not start their day very early. Which is a shame because I've been working on jokes for them.

"How many scabs does it take to change a lightbulb?"

"How many scabs does it take to mop the floor?"

"How many scabs does it take to put sandwiches out?"


best part is, majority of the union is made up by immigrants...I TOOK DEYR JOOB!!! bwahahaha
CoB will have a concert in Romania in april and apparently 10 of the buyers of the first 200 tickets will win a Meet&Greet pass, after they send the code written on their tickets. People are going bananas over the romanian metal site :lol: Excerpt: "I'll go to the meet&greet no matter what, I've been waiting for Laiho for 6 years and some silly random lottery thing won't stop me. I'll GET that pass, even if I have to buy it from the winner :) " - "I hope all you get is the mark of a bus wheel on your forehead, faggot".
I lol'd so hard :lol:
My work is on strike and I'm not union, soooo promoted to full time. Yay.
Apprently the picket line is brutal too, people are throwing shit at workers and calling them scabs.

I've not seen a single protester, they must not start their day very early. Which is a shame because I've been working on jokes for them.

"How many scabs does it take to change a lightbulb?"

"How many scabs does it take to mop the floor?"

"How many scabs does it take to put sandwiches out?"


best part is, majority of the union is made up by immigrants...I TOOK DEYR JOOB!!! bwahahaha

Be careful, you're gonna get the shit kicked out of you man. They don't play around... strikes are serious business and you're the enemy. I've seen social workers fucking swarm and verbally attack a woman and her kids for trying to enter the welfare building when the city was on strike. :lol:

Fuck my neighbour or whoever woke me me up with his fucking bloodhound gang best of...

Be careful, you're gonna get the shit kicked out of you man. They don't play around... strikes are serious business and you're the enemy. I've seen social workers fucking swarm and verbally attack a woman and her kids for trying to enter the welfare building when the city was on strike. :lol:

>implying verbal attacks have effect on me.

The second the strike is over, I'm going to be getting shit hours, so I'm going to leave. Only I'll have the reference of all the higher-ups, saying how awesome I am.

edit: and if they touch me I'll complain and they get fired :cool:
Be careful, you're gonna get the shit kicked out of you man. They don't play around... strikes are serious business and you're the enemy. I've seen social workers fucking swarm and verbally attack a woman and her kids for trying to enter the welfare building when the city was on strike. :lol:


Nah what really woke me up was (thats the truth) '' I HOPE YOU DIE! ''