Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Rocksane said:
last night I was doped with my friends and we watched the movie witch blair project..we were so scared :lol: but wtf..i don't understand the end :erk:!

didn't we discuss the whole light the forest on fire thing?
Rocksane said:
last night I was doped with my friends and we watched the movie witch blair project..we were so scared :lol: but wtf..i don't understand the end :erk:!
One of them is standing infront of the wall while the other with the camera is dying.
Just like they way the witch used to kill her victims according to description of the dude they asked earlier…

I slept during most of the movie but I remember this part.
alright... me and rocksane already discussed this but there are three dumbass things with that movie...

1)why the fuck don't they have a phone.. i would be hard pressed to find 3 teenagers... none of which owned a cell phone.

2) who the fuck goes into a huge ass woods without a gun?

3)they could have started a big forest fire and attracted attention

and 4th which i just thought of) there are no forests in the northeast US large enough that you keep walking in a line for two days or so and you won't run into a road...
1) They didn’t have good network coverage in the woods

2) A hunter

3) If the witch hadn’t killed them, environmentalists would had.

4) If they had reached they roand the movie would have a happy ending unless they run over by the witch driving a truck or something.

Anyway,the entire concept of the movie was stupid and besides this in not the first time you see characters in movies being completely stupid to see the obvious !
I am going on holiday in a week!

Only problem is we are going to...............Portugal:(

Yes they beat us in the world cup, but i am going to leave my mark there, then they won't be beating us again!