Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Wow, there's a name I haven't seen in a longgggggggggggggggggggggg time. As soon as my pc quits derping I'll get around to watching those.
C'mon, it hasn't been THAT long... :lol:
lol, I remember when those things first got popular and every kid I went to school with that decided they were going to become "pro scooter-ists" (Yep) ended up having some stupid or obnoxious accident on them. I used to skateboard and stuff when I was younger and I'd fuck myself up a fair bit, but those scooters were just sillyness.
yea, id call it a scooter


coincidence ?


Ok. Thanks for confirming :)

these things are so 2001 and they were hated for the right reasons.

This is my first one, and to me, they've allways been hated. But since I've moved to a new place, I figured that a scooter like this is perfect for rollin' to and from the train to work every day.

lol, I remember when those things first got popular and every kid I went to school with that decided they were going to become "pro scooter-ists" (Yep) ended up having some stupid or obnoxious accident on them. I used to skateboard and stuff when I was younger and I'd fuck myself up a fair bit, but those scooters were just sillyness.

Same at my school. Every kid had some kind of injury due to these things. They're kinda awesome, at least I am on it. You should definitely see me, rolling down the hills to work :lol: