Let's talk Bergstrand

AFAIK he also uses snare-gate expansion on room mics to give you that wash of midrange. There are also some 'tricks' he does with distorting ambient mics to add midrange character to the kit. Again, AFAIK, not confirmed.
Also good to know. I did see that dug out walkthrough where he showed that microphone pointed at the window to the control room which is maybe what he does for what you pointed out.
It seems like he might not have as many set rules as some other metal guys. To me the guy is kind of a genius/mad scientist. His mixes usually sound way different.

Remember when Reroute to Remain came out? It sounded like nothing before, it was totally nuts. And then they went a completely different direction on Soundtrack to Your Escape. Oh, man I miss the glory days.
Buy Metalheads EZX? It comes with one of his snare samples and sounds pretty similar to STD

Really?? I have this EZX and to me his sampled drums are very different from his usual mixes. Very vintage sounding in a bad way I think. Weird..
Surprisingly little discussion about DEI and Chaosphere on here. Those are always easily on my reference tracks list
Not really which really sucked. After I handed over the edited and reamped guitars and bass. Only thing I hear before the finale product was that Daniel loved my tones. He had his assistant hit me up about how I got the tones for the EP. Which was super cool. I would of loved to have gotten more insight to what he did during mixing. Also it was pretty sick because Jason Suecof tracked all the drums for it.
That's super cool that he went out of the way to compliment your source material! I dig the way it turned out, the music is pretty unique for the style too. I would be proud to have been involved with something that turned out that well.
I like the song and the mix! The guitar tone is killer indeed, what gear did you use for the guitar Phil? The gain seems pretty low, I love the grit!
I like the song and the mix! The guitar tone is killer indeed, what gear did you use for the guitar Phil? The gain seems pretty low, I love the grit!

We tracked two different guitars for each side

a Ibanez RGA121 with an EMG 60 and a mexican strat with an EMG 60

Guitars were 6505 through a recto cab with a 421/57 combo. And I believe I boosted it with my trusty ts808

Bass was actually straight into my dual recto through my mesa cab with the same mic setup.

All dual tracked as well.