Leverkusen gig


Jan 20, 2002
Siegen, Germany
Hi folks!

I'm back from Leverkusen! My first Antimatter gig is over, and it was really amazing! I'm still thinking back to this evening. We (Kai (paradise.lost)) and I arrived at 8 pm when the doors opened and we walked stright into Duncan and Mick. So we had a chat till Autumnblaze started their gig, which was surprisingly nice.
well, then the lads prepared for their own gig, which was of course brilliant, though a bit short, sth about in hour or so. Unfortunately, i can't recall the playlist, hehe, in fact i didn't try to cause we have some evidence so that i can post it later. Bu t i guess it was similar to the Gießen gig, including Black Star, which a really nice tune.
Well, the gig went over far to quick, but we had some nice talk with the lads afterwards and some cheap wine as well (shouldn't have opened that one).

So, pics and more will come later, we didn't have a digi cam so we have to wait a bit for the fotos.

Finally, cheers to the lads for the great evening, cheers to Stefan from Prophecy, cheers to the Sonic Seducer guy (sorry can't remember yer name like :blush: ), and cheers Kai for driving :D
Well then, first of all, the complete set list of Leverkusen:

Far Away
Over Your Shoulder
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Hope (Roy Harper)
Black Sun (Dead Can Dance)
Shroud Of False
Lost Control
The Last Laugh
Going Nowhere
Eternity Part III

The whole gig was about 55 minutes - 55 fuckin great minutes! The location (the 'Shadow') was a nice little club directly in the city of Leverkusen, the sound mix was more than fine for a live concert! Mick and Dunc did an outstanding job, supported by the voice of Markus, frontman of Autumnblaze, on some songs. Before and after the gig we had opportunity to talk to the lads - really humorous, charismatic guys! Final statement: absolutely nice evening!! If you have the chance to see them on tour: take it! :)

@Morpheus: Let me guess: you got 'A Natural Desaster' today? :grin:

Cheers like, Kai

PS: If you ever come to Leverkusen: DON'T park your car in a public parking garage over night, unless you like locked gates, odysees throug unlighted narrow hallways and confusingly wide parking decks! :loco:

PPS: I took some photos of the gig. Although I'm not sure about the quality (some mirrors right behind the stage confused my camera's light sensors a little bit :Spin: ), I gave the film for developing today. If I can make it, the pics can be found on Antimatter-band.de tomorrow, but more likely towards the weekend as I'm quite overworked at the moment. Also we got a little surprise (Morpheus calls it 'evidence' ;-) ) which will take some time though.
Dora said:
300?!? and none of them fuckers came here to talk or post pics?! Argh!

I was there, sitting right in front of the stage. And behind me and next to me were all the Berlin- people from the Katatonia- forum :) Cheers to you guys, in case you're reading this! See you again on friday!
It was a great concert, I liked both bands and I was surprised to hear so many Anathema- songs, didn't expect that- but cool! And I expected a female vocalist but there was a guy singing. Very good voice!!! And I was fascinated by Duncans acoustic bass- I want an acoustic bass, too!!!!!!! This is the next thing I'm going to buy as soon as I have enough money.
ah, spot on mate! finally someone comes here to tell us about the gig in our capital city ;)

did you make any pics or anything else ;) which you could send me for the german website? would be ace!!!
Did you make a bootleg? or is it the surprise you're talking about...?

Anyway, full gig would be cool to have, so anyone who has it and can send it to me, please send a PM or something. Of course this goes for all the other german gigs as well.