Life is fanfuckingtastic

lizard said:
The Vikings had very strict work divisions between the sexes.
Also: pretty strict ideas about equality in that women's work (rightfully) wasn't considered less important or worthy than men's work

It seemingly is absolutely impossible for the modern world to comprehend the absolutely fucking mindnumbingly simple concept of DIFFERENT JOBS - EQUAL WORTH... No, we have to pretend that everyone (not just men vs. women) is equally capable of doing everything, even when science and logic CLEARLY tells us otherwise, and that even if person X is shit at doing what person Y is great at, both have contributed EQUALLY... and any suggestion that an armless man might not be as suited for a job digging a god damn hole as some strong dude must be PERSECUTED

Erik said:
It's a sad sign of the modern zeitgeist that you (and every other P.C. warrior) can have "no respect" for what some people feel is a 100% fair division of work & responsibilities and fully voluntary?


Erik said:
It seemingly is absolutely impossible for the modern world to comprehend the absolutely fucking mindnumbingly simple concept of DIFFERENT JOBS - EQUAL WORTH... No, we have to pretend that everyone (not just men vs. women) is equally capable of doing everything, even when science and logic CLEARLY tells us otherwise, and that even if person X is shit at doing what person Y is great at, both have contributed EQUALLY...

Agree 100%

Kanon, I didnt even have to write anything myself.

-- Johanna
Erik said:
It seemingly is absolutely impossible for the modern world to comprehend the absolutely fucking mindnumbingly simple concept of DIFFERENT JOBS - EQUAL WORTH... No, we have to pretend that everyone (not just men vs. women) is equally capable of doing everything, even when science and logic CLEARLY tells us otherwise, and that even if person X is shit at doing what person Y is great at, both have contributed EQUALLY... and any suggestion that an armless man might not be as suited for a job digging a god damn hole as some strong dude must be PERSECUTED


I pretty much agree with this as well. Everyone has become so obsessed with political correctness that we've tried to simplify everything into an issue of pure equality among all peoples, which is essentially bullshit.
snow2fall said:
Wait, your girlfriend is Polish, right? Catholic I presume? That would explain a lot. :rolleyes:

Cleaning and cooking are qualities? Haha, come on. Those are things done for you when you are little because you can't do them on your own and that just come in handy for many grown-up men so they don't have to do them. Guys tend to stay much longer with their parents than girls, at least over here. I know many who just switched over to the "care" of their girlfriends when they moved away from mommy and who still haven't learnt to stand on their own feet, who are still unable to prepare a decent meal or clean after them. Sadly, there are still enough girls out there who are willing to take over that Catholic housewife role. I have no respect for either of the two.

Blah. Whatever. Rant over. :goggly:

hmm, not sure what you mean with this rant ...

but I tell you, I am more than capable of taking care of myself ... BUT ... I can appreciate a woman that is not a mess and has some "old fashioned" values ... Inever expect shit, but it is a nice feeling when people do things for you, especially when "they want to" or "like to" ...

my previous g/f for example, was a total mess ... at one point her apartment was such a mess that I could not open the front door to get inside ... no shit ... and I tried to help her out ... because her unkempt for home, was a reflection of her loco lifestyle and I was not digging that ...

being neat and cooking and taking care of eachother in a relationship has nothing to do with Catholicism or being a "woman" or a "man" ... as defined roles ... but rather ... just mutual respect and caring for eachother.

I am the first person who feels uncomfortable if someone tends to my every need ... but it feels damn good if someone naturally cares.
Dick Sirloin said:
Was that an ultimate ZING to the thread-starter?

Hey cockfestes, I thought we had squashed our little internet dispute? Leave it to a girly bitch to still be pissy a month later, after the fact. If you're still angry, take it to your local neighborhood street corner, I'm sure the world would love to hear about it.
Yeah I'm probably 92.765% with Erik on this one.

Quick example, if/when I have kids I'd rather mom took care of them more than I did because I'd be yelling at them from day one. "You're 2 and still fuckin' cryin' over stupid bullshit?! What if you were a giraffe! Them fuckers have about 14 seconds to learn to walk otherwise they get eaten, and you can't even wipe your own ass!"
NADatar said:
I think main issue is being overlooked here: lurch's chick did something nice for him and he said "wow, that's cool."

Pretty cut and dry really.

thanks NAD ... that is all there was to it, expecially coming from my previous relationship (read above) ...

you understand me like no other ...

brokeback me :heh: :heh: :waah: :hypno: :notworthy
lurch70 said:
thanks NAD ... that is all there was to it, expecially coming from my previous relationship (read above) ...

you understand me like no other ...

brokeback me :heh: :heh: :waah: :hypno: :notworthy
I think it's because we've both been involved in similar stupid women situations. :lol: :erk:

Life is good right now because I'm eating vegetable tempura thingies.
Actually saying "My woman had the decency to dispose of the waste basket in which our rubber laid" just comes off as being oversensitive and out of place on a heavy metal forum. Fucking hell if I hear about one of your gf's wiping the relish from your one of your shirt collars one more fucking time, I'm going to hurl.

On Main Topic- Cooking and Cleaning is an inherent female role. Just as much as Hunting and Gathering is that of the male. Take that women's lib bullshit the fuck on out of here.

P.S Life Sucks Today.
maybe child-rearing is a more natural female role--not to say men shouldn't accept some responsibility--but cooking and cleaning? please. get your head out of the stone age. a man isn't expected to go out and hunt every day for food; neither should a woman be expected to cook and polish the floors every day. to say otherwise is to cling to historical notions of gender roles that have no relevance to today's society. and i'll stay right the fuck here with my women's lib "bullshit", thanks very much, regardless of what everyone else has to say about it.
Cooking is a very manly thing indeed. Know why? Because Clemenza cooks, and Clemenza is the fucking MAN.

cthulufhtagn said:
maybe child-rearing is a more natural female role--not to say men shouldn't accept some responsibility--but cooking and cleaning? please. get your head out of the stone age. a man isn't expected to go out and hunt every day for food; neither should a woman be expected to cook and polish the floors every day. to say otherwise is to cling to historical notions of gender roles that have no relevance to today's society. and i'll stay right the fuck here with my women's lib "bullshit", thanks very much, regardless of what everyone else has to say about it.
It's not so much about "being expected to" do something because it's part of some natural order, more that I think it's pretty terrible when people "can't respect" if a woman CHOOSES to do cooking/cleaning/etc. VOLUNTARILY

And to be quite honest I wouldn't mind a huge fucking bomb to take us back to the stone age and make those forgotten "historical notions" reality again but I digress