Likening Coldplay to Kataonia?

I have been listening to the new coldplay all fekkin day........all of the songs are not as good as some of them.....but damnit..I really like them.........they are incredible songwriters.......and I dont think they are ripping radiohead off......they are fairly original.....I get the feeling that they write from their if Im not "metal" enough thats OK.....thats what everyone said to me when Discouraged Ones came out.......think about it.......just because Coldplay has always been that way doesnt mean they cant be "cool"..........listen to the song "LOW"......the beginning guitar riff is DO all the way......that is my opinion....Coldplay is good music...... :wave:
Deliverance6 said:
I have been listening to the new coldplay all fekkin day........all of the songs are not as good as some of them.....but damnit..I really like them.........they are incredible songwriters.......and I dont think they are ripping radiohead off......they are fairly original.....I get the feeling that they write from their if Im not "metal" enough thats OK.....thats what everyone said to me when Discouraged Ones came out.......think about it.......just because Coldplay has always been that way doesnt mean they cant be "cool"..........listen to the song "LOW"......the beginning guitar riff is DO all the way......that is my opinion....Coldplay is good music...... :wave:

Im not a huge fan of coldplay (over exposure!) but they certainly do write from there hearts! You can usually tell when people are faking it. A lot of there stuff is really good, ive just heard it so much it has no effect on me.
Deliverance6 said:
listen to the song "LOW"......the beginning guitar riff is DO all the way......that is my opinion....Coldplay is good music...... :wave:

coldplay certainly dont listen to katatonia eh? cure yes perhaps, and theres also that pink floyd influence from the hands of brian eno making guest appearance in that very song.

like them, tis better them to be the worlds most popular band than britney or shitheads u2 or sth, at least theyre guitar based music
Coldplay, jesus! They SUCK

Just like QOTSA, just like Radiohead (who's vocalist I might add, needs to be strangled sometime really soon, he sounds like a squashed toad). Totally untalented, unoriginal boring trash. The worst music imaginable, its for 13 yr old kids who love watching MTV and have no concept of depth or musical skill.

These kinds of bands display what playing a diluted and "publicly acceptable" form of music is like.
The Hubster said:
Coldplay, jesus! They SUCK

Just like QOTSA, just like Radiohead (who's vocalist I might add, needs to be strangled sometime really soon, he sounds like a squashed toad). Totally untalented, unoriginal boring trash. The worst music imaginable, its for 13 yr old kids who love watching MTV and have no concept of depth or musical skill.

These kinds of bands display what playing a diluted and "publicly acceptable" form of music is like.

I love shitheads with opinions like yours......I think its funny how IMAGE is everything to so many people......I think its funny that people like you think that because a band is "publicly acceptabe" or better said "socially acceptable" means that they are diluted and talentless.....that becaue a band appeals to more than just you and your buddies that they suck.........and as far as being original......if you think that there are more than a small handfull of original bands out there anymore you are an idiot......ITS ALL BEEN wouldnt know good songwriting if it sat on your face and shit......Im a 28 year old man....I havnt watched MTV in many years.......My musical knowledge is pretty fuckin good.....and if you dont like Coldplay thats probably dont like Red House Painters just stick to your headbangin shit then.... and leave the people who enjoy something besides your narrow minded attitude towards music you know nothing about to enjoy whatever they enjoy......idiot..

yes...I am pretty much saying fuck off.... :wave:
The Hubster said:
They SUCK... Just like QOTSA... Totally untalented, unoriginal boring trash. The worst music imaginable....

Wow, you're an idiot. QoTSA untalented? Have you even listened to more than one song? I'm sorry, and I know it's your opinion but wow, you're way off.
I dont really care if a band is overrated or not....if i like them go for it...and the new Coldplay album i find it very relaxing and quite enjoyable...of course nothing compared to katatonia thats for sure....somehow coldplay reminds me a bit of Anathema´s new album..probably the guitar effects are similar
I dont know about the whole "breaking America" thing.....they are just coldplay....just like Katatonia is just Katatonia......I have really stopped trying to pin bands down and assume things about their intentions or motives.....I know little more about the guys in Katatonia than I do Coldplay....I dont really have a clue about their daily lives.....all I do know is that Coldplay are rich....does that make them a bad or talentless band????
you decide.....
No, it doesn't, but it seems that VH1 and MTV are constantly assalting me with Coldplay so that's why I agreed with the "breaking America" thing.
burton said:
No, it doesn't, but it seems that VH1 and MTV are constantly assalting me with Coldplay so that's why I agreed with the "breaking America" thing.

I guess the music just really appeals to the general public. I mean its very easy for them to get into, and the songs are very memerable
burton said:
No, it doesn't, but it seems that VH1 and MTV are constantly assalting me with Coldplay so that's why I agreed with the "breaking America" thing.

I can see where that would happen to anyone who watches those channels or listens to the radio.....both of which I very rarely Coldplay never seems overplayed or overlistened to to me.....otherwise I probably wouldnt like to hear them.......I dislike overplayed bands when I am subject to them without my complete agreement......