Limit the # of times a band attends PP?


Mar 13, 2004
I was looking over the history page and noticed several bands seem to keep coming back.

Symphony X and Evergrey - 3 times
Kamelot, Edguy, Zero Hour, Reading Zero, POS - 2 times

I know we all love these bands but after a while, seeing the same act returning for 4 or 5 years seems boring. As if to say, "we can't seem to get anybody else so let's have these guys return" or "they're popular and will attract fans to the show".

That may be the case, but in the future, I'd like to see a lineup without a single returning act - all new bands. That would be a show worth seeing.

But that brings to question...should there be a limited number of times a band returns to play at ProgPower? Or at the very least, an extended period of time before seeing them again.
MAN...if we have to live with the two year hiatus, that's enough. these bands CONSISTANTLY put out kick ass music. SO frankly, and i hope i speak for a lot of the panelists and GB holders- that's why we come back.
Agreed, plus *for me*, last year was the first time I've ever seen Symphony X, and they rocked the house. Can't wait to see them again...

So while I see what you're saying, I think in the end it wouldn't be fair for everyone.

Plus, bands always releasing new albums...=)
Exactly. ProgPower, as of now, marks the only opportunity a person might have to see Pain Of Salvation perform in the States. So, no, I don't think that returning acts should be limited.
Besides, think of this from a promoter's standpoint. Glenn has to make money on this, or he wouldn't be going through the hassle. That means he has to bring in some big headliners that will accept his offer money.

There are not all that many big ticket names that will come play one festival in the states. Getting more of the obscure bands may be awesome, but it needs to bring in the crowds as well as be acceptable to them.

Knowing these contraints, you can probably expect repeaters for the life of this festival (which I hope is a very long one).

Here's my take on this: while I understand where the original poster is coming from, and quite frankly am sick of Symphony X (never thought I would say that 6 yrs. ago or so), I feel there is a big difference between returning acts that consistently/periodically tour the states and those from Europe that never do. I love Symphony X, but I have seen them about a dozen times, if not more since they frequently tour the U.S. Now I know some of you are going to say they never come to your town, etc... and I hear you guys.

However, my point is that bands from Europe like Edguy, PoS, Kamelot (U.S. based, but never play here), NEVER tour the U.S. If I could see PoS every other year for the next 10 years, I am all for it simply due to the fact that they can't support a full U.S. tour or even a mini-tour at that.

Plus you have to realize that Glenn knows these bands support his festival, and when arrogant pricks like Stratovarius, or whoever, who demands some crazy sum of money, he must take comfort in the fact that he knows he can trust these bands that have supported his festival in the past; and they would accept his offer barring any other prior commitments.
nightwish58 said:
Here's my take on this: while I understand where the original poster is coming from, and quite frankly am sick of Symphony X (never thought I would say that 6 yrs. ago or so), I feel there is a big difference between returning acts that consistently/periodically tour the states and those from Europe that never do. I love Symphony X, but I have seen them about a dozen times, if not more since they frequently tour the U.S. Now I know some of you are going to say they never come to your town, etc... and I hear you guys.

However, my point is that bands from Europe like Edguy, PoS, Kamelot (U.S. based, but never play here), NEVER tour the U.S. If I could see PoS every other year for the next 10 years, I am all for it simply due to the fact that they can't support a full U.S. tour or even a mini-tour at that.

Plus you have to realize that Glenn knows these bands support his festival, and when arrogant pricks like Stratovarius, or whoever, who demands some crazy sum of money, he must take comfort in the fact that he knows he can trust these bands that have supported his festival in the past; and they would accept his offer barring any other prior commitments.
Exactly POS is not a band that you can see every day, I'm just Happy that I'll have this chance to haer POS for the second time. I think that listening to POS is privilege and the fact that you can hear those guys every two years in the US is just amazing
considering that evergrey is glenn's favorite band they will probably play every other pp for eternity. Symphony X one of the biggest bands of this genre and alot of people like them live. Nightwish got a very good response from the crowd they will probably at progpower 6. i'm gussing the other headline for 6 will be Sonata Arctica.

Personally i would love to see nightwish and symphony x again. I wasn't a big nightwish fan at all and then i watched the end of thier ste and now i love them.I regret not watching thier show every day. with symphony x they are my 5th fav. band ever and i was feeling like crap when i saw them considering i had not eaten all day, i wish i could have a second chance to see them. Evergrey is my 6th favorite band and i could see them every day for the rest of my life because they put on such a great show. since thier not playing every pp they should get 3 hr. sets. :headbang:
nightwish58 said:
Here's my take on this: while I understand where the original poster is coming from, and quite frankly am sick of Symphony X (never thought I would say that 6 yrs. ago or so), I feel there is a big difference between returning acts that consistently/periodically tour the states and those from Europe that never do. I love Symphony X, but I have seen them about a dozen times, if not more since they frequently tour the U.S. Now I know some of you are going to say they never come to your town, etc... and I hear you guys.

However, my point is that bands from Europe like Edguy, PoS, Kamelot (U.S. based, but never play here), NEVER tour the U.S. If I could see PoS every other year for the next 10 years, I am all for it simply due to the fact that they can't support a full U.S. tour or even a mini-tour at that.

Plus you have to realize that Glenn knows these bands support his festival, and when arrogant pricks like Stratovarius, or whoever, who demands some crazy sum of money, he must take comfort in the fact that he knows he can trust these bands that have supported his festival in the past; and they would accept his offer barring any other prior commitments.

Nightwish...remember... not everyone lives in New York or LA....I've only been able to see SX twice..PP2 and PP4... thank goodness for ProgPower!!!
nightwish58 said:
Now I know some of you are going to say they never come to your town, etc... and I hear you guys.
Glasscastle: I acknowledged that in my original post!!! I still feel there is a difference between a Euro band who NEVER plays the U.S. and a band that frequently tours the U.S. although they don't hit many states. You may still have the chance to travel within the U.S. to see a band that tours here. We can never see a Euro band that doesn't play here unless we travel to another country!!!
Angrafan said:
I hope the same pattern goes for Pain of Salvation :)
I second that for sure although I don't think Glenn intended to book them this year although I may be completely wrong and actually hope I am!!! I am referring to the comment that was made concerning the 1 band returning from PP III. However, this can be solely based upon the fact that PoS may not have been able to make it to the show when he originally approached them. Who knows; bottom line is: please bring them back every other year. It is a pleasure and a treat to see them live once every 2 years!
to the original poster, this is PoS's 3rd Progpower, not their 2nd.

I'm against capping the number of times a band can play Progpower. I think it will negatively impact the quality of Progpower to bar quality bands from performing "just because". It would also make Glenn's job a lot harder because he would have to round up 10 bands every year who are "relatively new" to progpower, and would not be able to fall back on bands with whom he's established strong ties over the years, which obviously came into play this year since either Edguy or PoS was a late replacement.
So keep 'em coming back, even though I'm no PoS fan and only marginally an Edguy fan (here's hoping they bring back their PPII game faces for PPVI; that performance was much more powerful than PPIV)

Ryan (oh, and on the subject of returning bands, Glenn, if you're not too busy ;) , can you go ahead and get Banx to settle his differences with Dirk, Stephen, Richie and Assy for an exclusive PPVI appearance? or hell, they didn't even have Assy there last time...)
Yes This is PoS 3rd Time! the first being the best progpower proformance ever...your crazy if u think this fest would succed if there were no repeats...this should not have to be explaned at this point...
nightwish58 said:
I still feel there is a difference between a Euro band who NEVER plays the U.S. and a band that frequently tours the U.S. although they don't hit many states. You may still have the chance to travel within the U.S. to see a band that tours here. We can never see a Euro band that doesn't play here unless we travel to another country!!!
Hmm, not sure if I understand. Why would flying to a different country be any more difficult than travelling domestically within the US? It's certainly not more expensive - in fact, some US domestic flights are more expensive than international.

The only issue I would see is that the average American doesn't typically own a passport, whereas most Europeans/RoW have passports practically at birth (for obvious reasons). Getting a US passport isn't much of an issue though from what I can gather.
JayKeeley said:
Hmm, not sure if I understand. Why would flying to a different country be any more difficult than travelling domestically within the US? It's certainly not more expensive - in fact, some US domestic flights are more expensive than international.

The only issue I would see is that the average American doesn't typically own a passport, whereas most Europeans/RoW have passports practically at birth (for obvious reasons). Getting a US passport isn't much of an issue though from what I can gather.
My point is that a band could come fairly close to your city where you may be able to drive a couple hundred miles (definitely an inconvenience, but conceivable nonetheless) to see them. And I don't know what airline you use, but flights to Europe are usually $800 plus ( I went to Wacken a few years ago and it cost me $900 for the ticket) and I must tell you, it was a hell of alot more than my $200 ticket to Atlanta for instance. Bottom line is that most people aren't going to travel even within the U.S. to see a show, so I understand everyone's perspective. I guess there is just a different feel for me at least when a band from Europe comes to play here.