Listening to thread???

I always thought Helstar was lame as shit, but that new song sounds pretty cool. Dark power metal.

Shut your filthy mouth! But seriously, this isn't all that far removed from the kind of sound they've had since 2008. Although it's a bit more interesting soley because it's going back towards their classic, "lame as shit" sound from Nosferatu (which is the only Helstar album I would revist anyway). Did you simply stop listening after their initial three albums?
I could never get into them because it all just seemed so....blech.

I think it was Helstar. Maybe I'm thinking of another band, or maybe it was an old Helstar album.

EDIT: Yep, it was Nosferatu and the others I heard years later that made me literally LOL. Every snippet I heard from them after those albums made my cholesterol skyrocket from all the cheese. This new one seems interesting, however. It seems heavier and less theatrical, i.e., less cheesy. It's darker and much groovier. It's still got their sound, and the King Diamond hero-worshiping wails are done well and aren't all over the place. It's really thrashy, actually. I'll check out more.
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Honestly, I don't really hear any King Diamond in this. It's darker, but to me this is more like Helstar's Jugulator. I had another friend who said that this sounded like it was black metal. What???
Didn't know about the band, but I immediately though about King Diamond.

I guess if King Diamond is the only vocalist you've ever heard that uses falsetto, and that Rob Halford and Tim Owens don't exist mabye. I'd say musically it has way more in common with King Diamond (sans the thrash parts) or Mercyful Fate than the vocals do.

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Thought I'd brought this band up but I guess not. Amazing contrast of melody and death metal and a black woman on vocals. How often do you see that?

Candlemass cover
I guess if King Diamond is the only vocalist you've ever heard that uses falsetto, and that Rob Halford and Tim Owens don't exist mabye. I'd say musically it has way more in common with King Diamond (sans the thrash parts) or Mercyful Fate than the vocals do.

Tsss, like Warrel never used falsetto too? No it wasn't the vocals specifically, but the dark power metal atmosphere the song has to it. That's an aspect that is very unique to Kind Diamond bands. Like the audiobook of an horror movie transcript.

But you're right, the vocals aren't like the ones of KD, the song still has a global KD vibe to it.
Honestly, I don't really hear any King Diamond in this. It's darker, but to me this is more like Helstar's Jugulator. I had another friend who said that this sounded like it was black metal. What???

HAHA! Black metal? I think your friend doesn't listen to much metal if this sounds like black metal to him.

I can hear the Jugulator, though. Jugulator is my favorite Priest record (I was never a huge fan) because it's so dark and heavy. I've been listening to this Helstar song and I really dig it. It's the type of thrashy power metal I like, very epic. I can't wait until Vampiro comes out and I can listen to the rest. I'm really digging this.
I guess if King Diamond is the only vocalist you've ever heard that uses falsetto, and that Rob Halford and Tim Owens don't exist mabye. I'd say musically it has way more in common with King Diamond (sans the thrash parts) or Mercyful Fate than the vocals do.

You can get away with a Tim Owens comparison, but it's much more King Diamond because the falsetti are that paper-thin type that King's famous for, whereas Ripper has a much more meaty, well-rounded falsetto. This is much more nasal like King.
You can get away with a Tim Owens comparison, but it's much more King Diamond because the falsetti are that paper-thin type that King's famous for, whereas Ripper has a much more meaty, well-rounded falsetto.

This is precisely why I don't hear King here. James Rivera's falsetto isn't nearly as paper thin, and his lower and mid registers are a lot closer to Owens/Halford. Hell, he's even closer to Sean Peck, but even that's not a good comparison because Rivera has always sounded more like a cross between Halford and Dickinson than anything, and then later Owens after he adopted a more aggressive style. Rivera can also get higher before having to use falsetto. It's not something I actually care about, and it's not worth arguing over. I just don't hear it at all; and I still listen to King Diamond regularly throughout the year. Oh, and even though the lyrics are typically shit, Jugulator is actually my second favorite Judas Priest album. I still like Painkiller just a bit more. It has higher highs.

Sounds more like King Diamond:

I can't wait until Vampiro comes out and I can listen to the rest. I'm really digging this.

It's been on Youtube.

Tsss, like Warrel never used falsetto too? No it wasn't the vocals specifically, but the dark power metal atmosphere the song has to it. That's an aspect that is very unique to Kind Diamond bands. Like the audiobook of an horror movie transcript.

But you're right, the vocals aren't like the ones of KD, the song still has a global KD vibe to it.

I mentioned that the music sounded more like King Diamond/Mercyful Fate. If that's all you're talking about, then sure. But that's not what Dead Winter was talking about, nor what I was replying to. And on that note, Hell (LOL) is similar too.

Thought I'd brought this band up but I guess not. Amazing contrast of melody and death metal and a black woman on vocals. How often do you see that?

Since the last time you posted them.
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I have never heard the Helstar before, either. However, I don't hear the King Diamondesque vocals. He is heavily influenced by Halford for sure. He reminds me a lot of Halfords style, not sounding like a clone, but his delivery. I have been a King fan since the mid 80's. Not many sing like him.
they do sound good, don't hear the death metal, but they have a cool sound.

when you said black girl singing, and death metal sound, you had me thinking of this band. The bass player pretty damn good.

I did? I searched for Oceans of Slumber and found nothing. Well sorry for the double post.

Technically it wasn't really a double post, since I believe you posted more songs, and I think maybe all different too. I commented about how she reminded me of Myles Kennedy.
This is precisely why I don't hear King here. James Rivera's falsetto isn't nearly as paper thin, and his lower and mid registers are a lot closer to Owens/Halford. Hell, he's even closer to Sean Peck, but even that's not a good comparison because Rivera has always sounded more like a cross between Halford and Dickinson than anything, and then later Owens after he adopted a more aggressive style. Rivera can also get higher before having to use falsetto. It's not something I actually care about, and it's not worth arguing over. I just don't hear it at all; and I still listen to King Diamond regularly throughout the year. Oh, and even though the lyrics are typically shit, Jugulator is actually my second favorite Judas Priest album. I still like Painkiller just a bit more. It has higher highs.

Sounds more like King Diamond:

It's been on Youtube.

I mentioned that the music sounded more like King Diamond/Mercyful Fate. If that's all you're talking about, then sure. But that's not what Dead Winter was talking about, nor what I was replying to. And on that note, Hell (LOL) is similar too.

Since the last time you posted them.

I dunno what to tell you man, those highs on Vampiro remind me of King Diamond. Sure, they're not as girly as King's, but they're not nearly as meaty as Ripper's. It's the whole vibe with the dark power thrash music + the vocals that seal the deal. As for Ripper, I mean, just listen to him on Avantasia. Ripper sings in a flattened tone, which is why it gives it a beefier tone when he goes high. He also uses much, much more vibrato, which I tend to dislike.

This song isn't too terrible, but I fucking loathe Tobias Sammet. He was funny and it was kinda cool in a tongue-in-cheek way with Edguy's Hellfire Club album until I realized he's actually a gigantic douche who thinks his shit doesn't stink and started taking power metal way too seriously. He has moments of genius but I think it works when he collaborates with better musicians than himself.

Anyway, you can hear a clear difference between Ripper and Rivera here: