
Has anyone read The Power of One by Bryce Courtney? Its a pretty good bildugsroman that I just read. I'm not a huge fan of "Great American literature" (if you will) but I did enjoy reading To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, various Hemmingway stories (although they tend to be depressing), The Great Gatsby, and Grapes of Wrath. Has anyone read The Di Vinci Code? Its a good story...pretty controversial.

I'd like to read some Classic Russian probably isn't translated into English though is it? :erk:
I read a lot of political literature - from as far left as Michael Moore to as far right as Michael Savage. I'm also a news junkie.

Aside from that I like Arthur C. Clarke's 'Oddyssey' (2001, 2010, 2061, 3001) series a lot, and I really like the work of Kurt Vonnegut.

CS Lewis is also a clear favorite of mine, and I've downloaded a couple books by GK Chesterton.

By the by, check out It's got a shitload of free books whose copyrights have expired, which rules because almost anything worth reading was written quite a while ago.
Bridget Jones Diary is really funny romanic movie I think :))

Hm... and the book I've been reading for more than 6 months is Papus - Magie pratique... Just need some magic hahaha :)))
Black Tears said:
Has anyone read The Power of One by Bryce Courtney? Its a pretty good bildugsroman that I just read. I'm not a huge fan of "Great American literature" (if you will) but I did enjoy reading To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, various Hemmingway stories (although they tend to be depressing), The Great Gatsby, and Grapes of Wrath. Has anyone read The Di Vinci Code? Its a good story...pretty controversial.

Unfortunaly, I haven't read any of the books you've mentioned above. but i have read Winter of Our Discontent, which was written by Steinbeck (the author of Of Mice and Men and Grapes of Wrath). General impression: very very nice. Would read it again. One slight problem--ambiguous ending...
What's your opinion on the books that you have mentioned?

I'd like to read some Classic Russian probably isn't translated into English though is it? :erk:

You can find all classical Russian Literature in English. I have seen it available myself... :loco:

Monroe said:
Bridget Jones Diary is really funny romanic movie I think
Well...apart from the fact that the f***wits that have translated it in Russian have completele screwed it up the movie is fine.
And in my opinion, Hugh Grant does not really suit for the part of a such a womaniser... but let him be. He's sweet...hehe.
Demona said:
You can also try Robert Frost. His poems are interesting in a way that on the surface they are extremely simple, but actually they are full of imagery and thought.

My teacher of English advised me to read his poems... I think I should :)
I like "Funeral Blues" of W.H. Auden.

And thanks God I don't have to read my lectures untill summer. My holidays started!!! So I have lots of time to read the books I dreamt about while I was having exams :grin:
I think I will start with my favourite Gogol :)