Live shows

I like ambient dirge, but even without it I still would've enjoyed 'em. Only about 60 people attended here so no problem with that. Though a packed show can be good viewing if people mosh around enough. One of the best at the same venue was a sold out Cosmic Psychos gig. :cool:
I like ambient dirge, but even without it I still would've enjoyed 'em. Only about 60 people attended here so no problem with that. Though a packed show can be good viewing if people mosh around enough. One of the best at the same venue was a sold out Cosmic Psychos gig. :cool:
Nah this was sardines packed. And with all the ambient dirge there was no real moshing or pit to speak of.
Yeah planning on bringing a good amount myself. I love passing joints around at shows to complete strangers, always fun. I remember the last time I saw them a bunch of people took their shirts off pretending to be Matt Pike, even the girls. :lol:
Fucking Ogre and Pentagram in June, going to be sick. Geno's has been getting some cool ass shows recently.
Yeah planning on bringing a good amount myself. I love passing joints around at shows to complete strangers, always fun. I remember the last time I saw them a bunch of people took their shirts off pretending to be Matt Pike, even the girls. :lol:

so, how was it?
Saw Truchło Strzygi on Tuesday at a really small and dingy venue. The band, however, rocked as hell. They're my fav Polish band atm, go an check out their music if you will
Primitive Man is sick live, you should definitely enjoy them!
Their tour here was a bit cursed. The guitarist's headstock broke the night before but apparently they were able to continue the set. Then here in Auckland they kept tripping a fuse at the venue putting the guitar amp out. Never seen that before. Luckily it was the end of their tour leg and they had time to play a free show at a different venue the next night. It was aggressively loud, but good and problem-free, and also my 666th time attending a gig in Auckland if that helps lift the curse! So technically I saw them twice, but the first time they repeatedly attempted the same material and only got through 1½ songs in total before giving up.
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Their tour here was a bit cursed. The guitarist's headstock broke the night before but apparently they were able to continue the set. Then here in Auckland they kept tripping a fuse at the venue putting the guitar amp out. Never seen that before. Luckily it was the end of their tour leg and they had time to play a free show at a different venue the next night. It was aggressively loud, but good and problem-free, and also my 666th time attending a gig in Auckland if that helps lift the curse! So technically I saw them twice, but the first time they repeatedly attempted the same material and only got through 1½ songs in total before giving up.

Damn, that sucks for the guys who couldn't make it out to the second night. Maybe they just crank their shit real loud? I remember them being pretty damn loud when I saw them too, but I always wear earplugs so it is never a problem.

And shit, you actually keep track of the number of shows you've been to? I don't think ive been to quite that many, but I know that it is at least a couple hundred.
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Yeah. For the first couple of years I only wrote down the names of bands I'd seen, but the shows were advertised online so when I joined I was able to look up dates and enter details of my past events there. I used for tracking my gig attendance for nearly a decade. Eventually it got too tedious to enter all the details there, but it was fitting to use my own database to keep on tracking them. Luckily I've never missed finding out the names of even the smallest local acts.

I'm up to 782 shows in total and never worn ear plugs once, but a bit of minor tinnitus is very low on the list of health issues bothering me. Last hearing test was ok. I dunno if it's due to bad allergies or not normally being able to sleep on my back or what, but my ears are naturally a bit clogged anyway. On top of that I've had a recurring ear infection since Oct which I'm still working on getting rid of. When I was a kid I wasn't the best at perceiving speech then and always asked people to repeat themselves so it's hard to say it's a sign of damage if I have trouble understanding people now. I was never going to be a musician. I'm usually quite careful with where I stand and occasionally walk out if there's too much guitar feedback. With Primitive Man it was more the bass frequencies that were loud.
'm up to 782 shows in total and never worn ear plugs once, but a bit of minor tinnitus is very low on the list of health issues bothering me.

How are you not fucking deaf already? And after seeing Slayed Necros and TB complain endlessly about tinnitus, id reconsider if I were you. You don't even have to ruin the sound by using foamies; invest (really only 20 bucks) in a pair of Etymotic plugs or something similar to save yourself. You can still hear everything perfectly and it wont destroy your ears.
Because they were mostly smaller shows, I guess. A lot of friends' bands and non-metal shows where there's no mosh pit and it's easy to stand near the front where the PA isn't really aimed at me. And the prime smaller venues with the loudest PAs tend to have great soundmen here. Might try some plugs for giggles and report back. My eyes, sinus and skin are pretty well messed up by allergies so a bit more wear and tear never really means much. I'm 35 so I figure I could see another 2,000 shows or so if my ears last. This came to mind though:
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How are you not fucking deaf already? And after seeing Slayed Necros and TB complain endlessly about tinnitus, id reconsider if I were you. You don't even have to ruin the sound by using foamies; invest (really only 20 bucks) in a pair of Etymotic plugs or something similar to save yourself. You can still hear everything perfectly and it wont destroy your ears.
I’ve known people that just don’t seem to be affected by loud noise no matter how much they’re exposed to it. I envy these people.
I'm not sure how i ended up with tinnitus, but it definitely wasn't from loud music.

True, but exposure to loud noises is the most likely way to develop tinnitus. Im talking more about how you can't experience loud noises anymore, and about the madness of the spikes. I do not want this to happen to me. I think risking your ears by going to loud metal concerts without plugs is foolish.

I’ve known people that just don’t seem to be affected by loud noise no matter how much they’re exposed to it. I envy these people.

From what ive heard it only takes one bad experience, and bam, tinnitus. And yea, it's strange, ive met some older people who used to go to lots of loud concerts (or are musicians) back in the 80s and 90s and they say that they hear perfectly fine. More often when I talk to those people they say that their hearing isnt that great any more.
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From what ive heard it only takes one bad experience, and bam, tinnitus.
For me the warning signs happened but I was too stupid to take enough care after I noticed them. I used to think ringing after gigs or clubs was normal and I had a couple of instances where I thought I'd done some damage but then a couple of days later they were fine again. After that I wore plugs more but sometimes I'd forget them and then the "bam, tinnitus" happened after a particularly loud night.

And yea, it's strange, ive met some older people who used to go to lots of loud concerts (or are musicians) back in the 80s and 90s and they say that they hear perfectly fine. More often when I talk to those people they say that their hearing isnt that great any more.
I've got friends who've definitely been exposed to as much or more loud noise than I have and they're fine. I think genetics plays a part.