Live Videos Thread

Wow, anyone seen this Song in such good live-Quality?

Ohh yeah, it was on the RRF DVD :D
How can this be the same band that made Silent Night Bodom Night and Kissing the Shadows that now makes boring songs like Relentless Reckless Forever and even makes it a gig opener. Unbelievable. They're from a different planet.
How can this be the same band that made Silent Night Bodom Night and Kissing the Shadows that now makes boring songs like Relentless Reckless Forever and even makes it a gig opener. Unbelievable. They're from a different planet.

Its posts like these that make me want to say OMG shut up already with the same banter. Guess you don't remember how many people were digging the track when the album came out? Must suck being the minority these days..
I was listening to it myself yesterday as it goes. Quite enjoyed it considering I haven't listened to COB for a few months! Prefer the first half of the album for sure.
... the songs on RRF are by far better than KTS or SNBN ^^ And I have to agree with Norbix
Its posts like these that make me want to say OMG shut up already with the same banter. Guess you don't remember how many people were digging the track when the album came out? Must suck being the minority these days..

Even if I was the only guy saying this I would still say it. You think I give a shit about people's collective opinion? Majority of people sleepwalk thru their lives. We see it with a lot of succesful bands, first they need to break thru and make something different and spectacularly good, after that they've stabilized their position and start composing with a different mindset. I'm shocked to hear someone considering Relentless Reckless Forever a better song than SNBN or KTS, but everyone's allowed to have an opinion. I'm here to state my honest opinion using direct terms, I think this way I'm also serving the band itself better than just agreeing with everything and going with the flow. If I have critique I usually explain it and offer an idea what to do instead, with my limited knowledge of music and wild imagination.
Agreed. Much as I like COB's latest album, there's nothing on there that comes close to these classic Bodom songs

;) This is why I feel like using strong terms sometimes, cos this is the absolute truth in my mind. How on earth can someone even COMPARE these works? COB could come up with a song like Relentless Reckless Forever any given day, cos there is no creativity when it's coming from the same band that made those classics - songs you can rhyme in your head endlessly or rape the replay button with, I would go as far as to say every note on SNBN has a "purpose," even in the solos, it's regrettable how the composer(s) of these atmospheric masterpieces of melodic death metal started doing something like RRF instead. On paper it might share the similar elements, but creativity-wise it leaves a lot to be desired. Of course it's unfair to compare the best song of one album to the worst song of another album, but this is a generalization that can be made between the albums. It's all about the vision of the music and I think it's become a bit distorted.
[ame][/ame] never saw this one before
Tracklist from this DVD
1 Cemetery Of Scream – The Ray Of Cry

2 Cemetery Of Scream – Overcall

3 Devilyn – Hatched Out Of...

4 Devilyn – The Burial Ground Of The Gods

5 Source Of Tide – Bravery 2000 / Declaration !

6 Source Of Tide – Static Development

7 Source Of Tide – Enslaved By Principles

8 Sinister – Cross The Styx

9 Sinister – Sadistic Intent

10 Sinister – Aggressive Measures

11 Behemoth (3) – Pan Satyros

12 Behemoth (3) – Antichristian Phenomenon

13 Behemoth (3) – Chant For Έσχατον 2000

14 Zyklon – Storm Detonation

15 Zyklon – Worm World

16 Zyklon – Hammer Revelation

17 Children Of Bodom – Lake Bodom

18 Children Of Bodom – Bodom After Midnight

19 Children Of Bodom – Deadnight Warrior

20 Children Of Bodom – Mask Of Sanity