How can this be the same band that made Silent Night Bodom Night and Kissing the Shadows that now makes boring songs like Relentless Reckless Forever and even makes it a gig opener. Unbelievable. They're from a different planet.
... the songs on RRF are by far better than KTS or SNBN ^^ And I have to agree with Norbix
Its posts like these that make me want to say OMG shut up already with the same banter. Guess you don't remember how many people were digging the track when the album came out? Must suck being the minority these days..
I'm shocked to hear someone considering Relentless Reckless Forever a better song than SNBN or KTS. Good for you I guess.
Agreed. Much as I like COB's latest album, there's nothing on there that comes close to these classic Bodom songs never saw this one before
i have this DVD, this is first gig in Poland