Hahaha, don't we all do the same? Before my first COB show I was walking down the boardwalk and found a couple of the guys playing some mini golf and nobody else seemed to care. I damn near shit myself, though and I could say is I fuckin love the band and asked if they were playing anything from RRF (only names of songs were released at that point). At the show, I did a FUCK YEA ROOPE!!!!!!!!!!! and he gave me one of those fists of approval which was super cool. If a girl is there and she's a fan I suppose she's going to say it her way, which is alexi I love you ... I dunno, I just don't seem to care too much about it myself.
I also find it a little hard to believe that Alexi has fan girls based not on his music but just because of his looks and personality?? I'm a dude, and I'll agree that Alexi isn't that good looking either (he was more attractive during the HCDR era without all the tats and the blone hair) NO HOMO. I just don't see people going to a concert for a person without also enjoying the music.