Live Videos Thread

I think that DVD has only those songs too plus the other bands, it's not a complete COB show.

Yes there's four songs. Too bad they didn't record a full concert, we'll never get a proper DVD release of a gig from 2001. Great shame, would be great to watch. Of course there's Seoul but the keyboard is a problem, it's too loud (and an ugly keyboard).
lool i thought it was a "sticky thread" and it didnt show there and i didnt had the patience to look for it so.. yeah thanks guys lol
Annoying crowd, there's like screaming teen girls and kids and everyone filming with their own shitty cameras wasting the experience.

Honestly, I think that's a pretty good crowd. Nothing is worse than a crowd that just fucking stands there. Those guys were into it, and that's what it's all about in the end. I don't give a shit if its teen girls or whoever, fans are fans. The phones is sort of ridiculous, but I bet Alexi and the band dig these kinds of crowds either way. Last time I saw them it was BLS headlining and nobody seemed to give a fuck they were playing, only my friends and I were doing anything.
I kinda agree with you- fans are fans, but sadly most of the girls that listen to COB like only Alexi and they care mostly about him, not about the music. I have the feeling that I am the only girl that finds Alexi gross- he is not that attractive at all :( Probably most of the ladies here will kill me about this post but that's my opinion so feel free to ignore it :D

And crowd that screams HEEEEEEEEEELL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH is a crowd 4 a metal concert and crowd that screams ALEXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU is more 4 Justin Bieber (sorry 4 mentioning him here) In fact, i bet that Alexi feels nice when he reads how sexy he is ;)
Hahaha, don't we all do the same? Before my first COB show I was walking down the boardwalk and found a couple of the guys playing some mini golf and nobody else seemed to care. I damn near shit myself, though and I could say is I fuckin love the band and asked if they were playing anything from RRF (only names of songs were released at that point). At the show, I did a FUCK YEA ROOPE!!!!!!!!!!! and he gave me one of those fists of approval which was super cool. If a girl is there and she's a fan I suppose she's going to say it her way, which is alexi I love you ... I dunno, I just don't seem to care too much about it myself.

I also find it a little hard to believe that Alexi has fan girls based not on his music but just because of his looks and personality?? I'm a dude, and I'll agree that Alexi isn't that good looking either (he was more attractive during the HCDR era without all the tats and the blone hair) NO HOMO. I just don't see people going to a concert for a person without also enjoying the music.
I'm sure the dangerous, passionate, cute, deep, suicidal guitar hero Wild Child attracted shitloads of girls back in the day. Girls in that age need a distant/safe target for transference and to practise their feelings of crush on. Alexi is obviously distant; the closest they could get is front row of the gig, and the different sides of the personality quaranteed the quantity of girl fans: something for everyone. Most of them don't really give a shit about guitar or music. Some Negative fangirl once told me Negative has a good guitar sound; then I searched it up on youtube and explained to her it's actually a very shit sound and she only thinks it's good cos she loves the singer - and she agreed.
How could we even talk, it's more like I tell a story and you state one disrespectful comment. I'd just think you're a creep and go away. I can't avoid you here.

I didn't talk with the Negative chick either, it was talking as in 'typing' on internet...
Shovel knockout & Are You Dead Yet? live in Japan 2011 - Audio
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For once we get an okay audio, but then, no video. 4:58 - sounds particularly good. Then there's reverb for vocals thorough the song.