Live Videos Thread

I won't call him stupid, but I think he had a little something wrong in the head. He wasn't a bad guy, but he was basically the opinion police of this place, and if you disagreed with him, prepare to read Volume 41,392 of "Why Old Bodom is Best"

He was never inherently rude on his own until it came to these subjects. He couldn't differentiate his opinions from facts and would just start going nuts about Bodom. I liked the band at one point too, but shit man, I'm not that beat up about what they sound like now, nor do I care what they ever release anymore. They are what they are and it probably won't change, and even if they did release some amazing album that's up to the standards of the old material, who cares? It's just music.

His letters to the band on here, or messages that he hoped they would read always cracked me up though.

"Okay guys, the secret to the next album that all of your fans have been waiting for is... atmosphere. It needs to be more dark. The old albums were so much more dark and had a much better... what's the word? Atmosphere!"
Atmosphere is a fucking buzzword on this board these days. It would be awesome if moderators would have come up with some kind of word filter that changes the word "atmosphere" into something completely different. Like "polka influence" or something.
Atmosphere is the wrong word for it to begin with.
Rawness/angry/neoclassical(total ripoff) and maybe passionate is more like it.
Bodom since 2003 is all about groove, hooks and chrunch (tone).
That's why I like the "old" Bodom more as well, althought there are a lot of killer songs on the newer albums. Actually songs like In your Face is very good for listening in my car. But it is totally retarded to want to learn it on guitar beause it is so bland and simplistic in comperation to most other Bodom songs. Nothing there to show off really. Joonas was a fagtard and his other favorite bands was in my opinion :Puke:
The guy had some points here and there, but a dark and heavy is not something I would like for Bodom. Blooddrunk is their darkest album as far as I'm concerned and perhaps the heaviest, but that dosen't make it their best album by far.
Bodom is more riff driven (heavy), got hooks and less focus on melody nowadays (since 2001 really).

Now I'm just rambeling so screw that :rock:

oh and fucking orchestrial hits, that's just so 80's :Puke:
I am the other side, I like their newer material. And I totally disagree they are less melody driven because in my opinion the last few albums have had some really great melodies on them
The difference between old and new Bodom is - melody-wise - that most of the old songs are build on simple chords followed by typical hamrnoy patterns where you can't do anything wrong (a over d or sth.). That makes it pretty easy for the guys to make a complete song sound melodic. Therefore most of Alexis solos on the first 3 albums sound "better" or more melodic. There's only one solo in all of their last 5 albums which you can compare with the old Bodom aera and thats the Ugly solo. But that's just my opinion.
Since HCDR their style changes into a more experimental riffing and they lost their neoclassical aspects. Riffs are heavier, more complex and more in the foreground than happy melodies and the guys started to play those weird sounding harmonies which partly sound "wrong" when you play them on guitar (BD,LBRH,TL&S, etc.)
Personally and as a guitarist, I like new Bodom more because of the riffs and new Bodom is more challanging me on guitar. But I miss those good old solos. I love nearly every solo from the first 3 albums but there's barely a hand full of solos from the last 5 albums I like.
If Sinergy wouldn't had such a horrible singer, I would prefer them more because the riffs and songs are way more complex than most of Bodom songs and nearly all solos are outstanding. But I hate Kimberlys ugly voice.
You need to take the "s" away from your link (https), then the video appears ;)

anyone seen this:
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Two different views of them playing something in my drink

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I like Bodoms newer stuff more but this is definitely the Alexi I want to have back. His playing back than, his clothes and his facial impressions where awesome.
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Yeah, his playing was as tight as it gets.
This was pure awesome!

Forevermore (who of us was that good on guitar with 19 years?)
love how he goes "ah fuck it" before the solo and abandons vocals :kickass: