Live Videos Thread

Not sure if this has been shared in the past

He doesn't seem to remember how to play the song at all

Didn't Alexi use to improvise random stuff on his songs when doing these clinics anyways? This performance was still a mess though.
Not sure if this has been shared in the past

He doesn't seem to remember how to play the song at all

I would say this is alexi at his absolute worst. Check out how slow his hands are when changing positions on the neck. Props to him for performing anyway, you can tell he is uncomfortable being filmed here. He nailed every note at the last cob show so we know he didn't forget how to play
If Alexi had died during this time, it would be somehow easier to understand. I remember that a few (a lot?) of us discussed about it, that he wouldnt last more than 2-3 months.
Mastermind, as he told his Fans: "Listen to every Genre, not only Metal"
How funny he realized a bit late to switch his Guitar :D

Mastermind, as he told his Fans: "Listen to every Genre, not only Metal"
How funny he realized a bit late to switch his Guitar :D

The news video:


Commentator: "Laiho has been chosen as the best metal guitarist several times in many metal magazines"


Alexi: "So yeah, I'm fucking good, it's true"

Such modesty! :D

He did continue by starting to talk about how it's difficult to rate guitarists though, but I still found it funny :D
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Tbh there are so many crazy good guitarists nowadays I don't even know where to rate anyone. But Aleksi is definitely among the very best guitarists in terms of composing skills :kickass: Timeless riffs, timeless leads
There are indeed very good Guitarist, everyone on its own.
I simply just cant write that good songs/melodies and cant that good play Acoustic Guitar.

But Alexi was very good at this, im always trying to figure melodies out like him, but meh :D
Yeah, Alexi's composition skills were unique and outstanding. I wish I knew more about music theory to explain it better. Janne said something about Alexi's understanding of harmonies. But it's also the little things, the pinch harmonics, the dive bombs, and other things that he, especially with Roope, did, that made their music so interesting to listen to, if you paid attention.

I love his guitar tone as well as COB's live sound and I imagine he had some say in that, and on the studio sound. Personally I also enjoy his vocals a great deal. And I'm glad to see in recent days that some, not many, agree. His playing skills, well, those are hard to gauge. The wrist problem seriously affected it. I don't think he would create another solo like the one on Midnight Madness for instance, because he wouldn't be able to play it. And if he couldn't play stuff physically, then he probably didn't compose it either. So yeah, there are a ton of guitarists who play cleaner, more accurately, faster and overall "better" than Alexi. But what good is all the technical skill in the world if they only apply those skills toward playing generic, mediocre, forgettable, or unintelligible junk. Of course, for those of us who've gotten used to listening to Alexi butcher nearly all his solos live year after year, it's downright surprising and refreshing to see other guitarists who play they stuff note by note flawlessly. I also get the impression that he didn't really want to focus when playing solos. He'd start them late, end them early, often for no good reason.
Yeah, Alexi's composition skills were unique and outstanding. I wish I knew more about music theory to explain it better. Janne said something about Alexi's understanding of harmonies. But it's also the little things, the pinch harmonics, the dive bombs, and other things that he, especially with Roope, did, that made their music so interesting to listen to, if you paid attention.

I love his guitar tone as well as COB's live sound and I imagine he had some say in that, and on the studio sound. Personally I also enjoy his vocals a great deal. And I'm glad to see in recent days that some, not many, agree. His playing skills, well, those are hard to gauge. The wrist problem seriously affected it. I don't think he would create another solo like the one on Midnight Madness for instance, because he wouldn't be able to play it. And if he couldn't play stuff physically, then he probably didn't compose it either. So yeah, there are a ton of guitarists who play cleaner, more accurately, faster and overall "better" than Alexi. But what good is all the technical skill in the world if they only apply those skills toward playing generic, mediocre, forgettable, or unintelligible junk. Of course, for those of us who've gotten used to listening to Alexi butcher nearly all his solos live year after year, it's downright surprising and refreshing to see other guitarists who play they stuff note by note flawlessly. I also get the impression that he didn't really want to focus when playing solos. He'd start them late, end them early, often for no good reason.
His last concert with BOM at tavastia in 2020 was the best playing ive seen from him in 20 years. It looked he had gotten his chops back which makes his death even more tragic as it appeared we might witness again the laiho of old. check out the concert on youtube if you havent seen it, i think you will be as impressed as i was.
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Hard to watch...i dunno what it was, maybe Medication?

But 2020 he was wayyyy better, maybe best perfomance of his Live...

Has surely been posted before, but having watched again after a while, this is really Alexi & Roope at their best. Not flawless, but reminiscent of the good old times, tone, and compositions.
Mostly from Sinergy's SBMS.
Two guitar machines pushing each other further, as said Kim Goss in a recent insta post.
You gotta love it!!
You can clearly see in the video that Alexi has no power at all. Wasn't that also the time when the IWC video was recorded, which was just as bad?
At that time I really thought he would not live 2 months more.
Never seen this one, Silent Night, Bodom Night around the time of Tokyo Warhearts (with audio from TW itself). TW was recorded during 2 nights, this gotta be from the other show on the same tour, the instruments are in perfect sync. Starts at ~3:00
Never seen this one, Silent Night, Bodom Night around the time of Tokyo Warhearts (with audio from TW itself). TW was recorded during 2 nights, this gotta be from the other show on the same tour, the instruments are in perfect sync. Starts at ~3:00

Never? One of my favorite live videos. Look, this is better quality:
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