Lizard's wish is my command.

Dead_Lioness said:
hell no.
Christina is better looking

No.... you are!

Dead_Lioness said:
the evanscence singer's vocals are very boring.... she needs more range...
unlike Lacuna Coil.
and think about it!!


Evanescence's vocals a more whinny and she does need more range ... Lacuna coil has a very firm presence and she has lots of emotion and can translate agression as well... Pyrus wasn<t so off when he suggested that she should be in a speed metal band...

Anyways, this debate has gone long enough...

Lacuna Coil > Evanescence

Lacuna Coil > A lot of bands
LordDouchebag said:
your boring

My boring? :hmm:

Fred said:
Pyrus wasn<t so off when he suggested that she should be in a speed metal band...

Seriously, dude, imagine her singing on stuff like Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 1, or Somewhere Far Beyond. That would be so sweet.

Max - Pshaw, my mom's a better singer than Christina. Tell 'em, Isabel.
she seems to be one of the few one this board who likes lacuna coil as well...
...I like them too
does anyone here like After Forever, Without Face, or Epica?
they fall under a similar category..
hahaha i wasn't CALLING you a bitch, just asking if you were calling yourself a bitch...

but thanks for the explanation hahaha