Erik decided to really kick up his "being an ass" factor so he's been banned for a bit.
Let me elaborate a bit as well, he asked me not too long ago to delete his entire account. I tried talking him out of it, for two reasons.
1) It would create a lot of holes in threads/the database since he has such a high post count.
2) I told him to take a break, give it some thought, as that is a decision you don't make just because you are looking back and evaluating your time spent online.
I have no real issues with Erik overall to be honest, except that he is an elitist ass quite a bit and sometimes takes it way overboard, as if nobody elses opinions mean dick because they are different from his own.
To be honest, I think he was looking to get banned to get what he wanted a couple weeks ago when we had a long offline talk. He wants time away to focus on school, life, etc. because he feels he is becoming "one of those internet guys".
So anyways, he got his wish for a while.
Also FYI - as far as the NoRep thingy, anyone that abuses the rep system (good or bad) simply gets put into a different user group that is no longer allowed to use the rep system.