Logic Pro X

If they managed to fix the system overload errors that's plauging 9 I'm all over this. Not too impressed by the new color scheme, I kind of like the brighter look of the older one.
^ use the hyper editor, i actually prefer it to cubase's drum map.

kind of underwhelmed by logic X, not much incentive to upgrade. in fact, untill all my plugs are 64 bit I'm steering clear.

GR meters in the mixer, stack tracks, flex pitch i guess are all cool. GUI is nice. drummer looks OK, apparently bob clearmountain was involved with bits.
So with there being no upgrades, I could just sell my Logic Pro 9 and then buy this one? Anybody know how license transfers or stuff like that work with Logic if I wanna sell it?
But if you sell it wouldn't you lose Waveburner and Mainstage? I heard installing Logic X overwrites Logic 9? Or is that false? Or does it overwrite Logic 9 but keeps the other programs?
I have a physical copy of it. That means, I guess, that I could sell it?

Exactly, also for anybody who bought it on the App Store in the last month - you could try contacting App Store customer support. Apparently (take with a pinch of salt) you can get a refund.
But if you sell it wouldn't you lose Waveburner and Mainstage? I heard installing Logic X overwrites Logic 9? Or is that false? Or does it overwrite Logic 9 but keeps the other programs?

I've read in multiple places that that's completely false

waveburner's pretty much useless anyway
Of course you can use both Logic 9 + 10 on the same computer. Though apparently some custom skins might get overwritten. But it doesn't make Logic 9 unusable.
waveburner's pretty much useless anyway
Yeah? Got a good alternative for burning red-book standard audio CDs, creating DDP Masters, implementing ISRC + UPC/EAN codes, CD text, etc.?

WaveBurner is working for me, so I don't see how it's useless (you can't do the above with Logic or ProTools), but if there's a good alternative I might be interested. Except WaveLab 8, that's just way too expensive, and WaveLab Essential seems to miss DDP export and also some CD burning features, but it doesn't say which ones on the website.
Of course you can use both Logic 9 + 10 on the same computer. Though apparently some custom skins might get overwritten. But it doesn't make Logic 9 unusable.

Yeah? Got a good alternative for burning red-book standard audio CDs, creating DDP Masters, implementing ISRC + UPC/EAN codes, CD text, etc.?

WaveBurner is working for me, so I don't see how it's useless (you can't do the above with Logic or ProTools), but if there's a good alternative I might be interested. Except WaveLab 8, that's just way too expensive, and WaveLab Essential seems to miss DDP export and also some CD burning features, but it doesn't say which ones on the website.

I started a thread a while ago asking whether it was actually worth jumping from express to pro, bearing in mind that I almost purely use third party plugs, and from the descriptions people gave me of waveburner and mainstage one of them sounded almost useless... it might've been mainstage actually.. not sure

Just ignore me :D
I started a thread a while ago asking whether it was actually worth jumping from express to pro, bearing in mind that I almost purely use third party plugs, and from the descriptions people gave me of waveburner and mainstage one of them sounded almost useless... it might've been mainstage actually.. not sure

Just ignore me :D

Haha.its Soundtrack Pro that's the useless one!
Wave burner is fucking mint.
Yeah, Waveburner's definitely not useless.

I really want to update, but need to update to Mountain Lion and all first... bleh. If I can stand it, I might just wait until I get a new Mac. Meanwhile, I'm trying out the Cubase 7 demo out of curiosity, but it hasn't really impressed me. Funny how Logic Pro X came out just as I installed the demo, as I suspected would happen :lol:
Mountain Lion is working great for me (on both the Studio Mac and my personal MBP). I'm still not sure I want to renew my Waves update plan for $240 (or more), which I have to if I want to use Logic 10. Fuck Waves, for restricting 64bit plugins to V9. Every other company releases their 64bit updates for free :S
Mountain Lion is working great for me (on both the Studio Mac and my personal MBP). I'm still not sure I want to renew my Waves update plan for $240 (or more), which I have to if I want to use Logic 10. Fuck Waves, for restricting 64bit plugins to V9. Every other company releases their 64bit updates for free :S

To be fair , I have recently upgraded plugins from mcdsp, sonnox and metric halo, at minimal costs each but it can soon add up.

Fortunately I saw this coming and have spaced out my upgrades. Gonna be a while before my daw is upgraded ( from pt9 to 11)
Waveburner is amazing.
Soundtrack pro is FAR from useless if you are mixing a film.
You can import an audio file and normalize to -12 then save it as a script.
In FCP7 you can then select all audio files and apply the script to them.
Now when you export the OMF to do the mix in PT or Logic, all the audio files are at -12 making the mix really easy with much less automation needed.
I always do any fixes in FCP linked to STP before exporting.
You can also easily remove any clicks or apply noise reduction too.
FCP automatically updates the audio files that you have edited in STP.
Apple really fucked up when they dumped STP.
Everyone I freelance for is still on FCP7. FCPX has not been adopted by the industry at all.

Anyway, I am loving LPX.
Will not use it until all plugins are updated to 64 bit but am looking forward to that.
I will buy the new Mac Pro when it's released too.
My 2006 Mac Pro is getting on a bit now, but still works as good as new.
It is not officially supported for LPX but I got it to run using the plist hack.
Works fine.
Not bad for a 7 year old computer.
After a week and couple of projects on X, I'm sold.

It's surprising how just having a nicer user interface and frame rate makes it easier to work on for extended periods.

Drumkit Designer rules.