Pro Tools 8 woohoo

Hell yeah Kazrog. Ive been wanting to try PT, but im too much in love with Cubase. Switching to PT would be a step back for me i think.

For the people that use PT, hell yeah! im glad the new version will be out soon for you guys!
Crossing my windows for a fucking a drum editor window this time.

And only works on Leopard??? Fuck you!!!!!
I've been using Pro Tools LE and HD in different scenarios on and off now for the past 8 years. It can get the job done, but it sucks at handling large projects and is still inferior with MIDI.

At the end of the day it comes down to what you're the most comfortable with, though.

I totally agree with you on the midi side of protools.

Anyway is protools multi processor aware yet I thought the main reason for porting to OSX originally to be able to use more than 1 processor??
This update is nice and all, but really I dont see anything that makes me say wow I gotta have that. Im not sure why this deserves a move to V8 instead of being a V7.x release. YMMV of course.

I doubt we will see ADC in LE anytime soon so thats why I have been tracking/editing in Protools, and mixing with Reaper.
I personally see digital performer in the mix window. But at any rate it's funny how this looks like every daw other than pro tools.
I just bought a dual quad core Mac Pro last month and bought 7.4 about two weeks ago (I'm finishing tracking my current project on my G4, then will dump the files onto the new machine for mixing), so if the jump from 7.4 to 8.0 isn't too expensive, I'll consider it. It looks cool and all, but nothing immediately jumps out at me as being a must-have.
There's a discussion on GS about delay compensation methods. Seems really time consuming and like it would distract one's thought process. Apparently HD itself frequently gets compensation wrong, so many of them do manual compensation by default, regardless of PT platform. Really strange. I never considered simple plug-in lag would cause so many issues on modern recording systems. Might stick with Cubase for mixing after all.
Well I remember in one of my Audio Arts Production classes last year, our teacher was trying to demonstrate the M/S recording technique to us, and took the ribbon mic track, bussed it to another track, and stuck a plugin to invert the phase of it on that one (in other words, how one normally would set up an M/S arrangement after recording). And to demonstrate that they were out of phase, he panned them both center, and they cancelled each other out...almost. There was still definitely sound, though, so I suggested just duplicating the region and doing a phase switch processing (in non-real time), and lo and behold, total cancellation!

So clearly, there was some plugin delay that was causing the phase to not be totally inverted when using a bus and plugin - and this was just last year on an HD3 system and PT 7.4, so you're probably right Moony!
if digi lets us use other hardware,i will jump right back on the bandwagon... i hate anythign under pt hd interfaces... shitty pres and the conversion is crap.... still looking for a reasonable hd3 rig
the 192 is just fine. check out who designed it.....

192 is the min i would use for protools anymore.i have been looking for a good deal on 2 of them to integrate, but i might have to wait to see what protools is gonna do about new hardware first before dropping that stack on somethign that will be upgraded or outdated real soon....

i had mix plus rig w/3 888's, 002, and 003 all have more setbacks than i want to deal with compared to a nicely equipped hd rig
192 is the min i would use for protools anymore.i have been looking for a good deal on 2 of them to integrate, but i might have to wait to see what protools is gonna do about new hardware first before dropping that stack on somethign that will be upgraded or outdated real soon....

i had mix plus rig w/3 888's, 002, and 003 all have more setbacks than i want to deal with compared to a nicely equipped hd rig

yeah in fairness the 888s were shocking