Pro Tools 8 woohoo

shhh with your cubendo

I've been using Pro Tools LE and HD in different scenarios on and off now for the past 8 years. It can get the job done, but it sucks at handling large projects and is still inferior with MIDI.

At the end of the day it comes down to what you're the most comfortable with, though.
yeah no ADC is kind of stupid. If they were going to release an entirely new version that is one of the things I think it should have had.
DigiDesign said:
Pro Tools 8 features new track compositing workflows, enabling you to quickly and easily piece together the best possible version of a performance from multiple recording passes. Simply loop record multiple takes on an Audio track, view and audition the takes in Playlist view, select the best parts from the track’s alternate playlists, and copy them to the main playlist with a single click. You can also rate regions on a scale of 1 – 5 to help identify which takes you like the most when compositing playlists.

Ok now that is kinda cool. Anybody know of a similar feature in Cubase 4?

DigiDesign said:
Lock regions to the timeline to prevent them from being inadvertently moved or edited. Use the Automation and Controller lanes to view and edit track automation (such as volume, pan, and plug-in automation) and MIDI CC data (such as velocity, pitchbend, and modulation) without changing track views. And with 10 inserts to play with per track, you can now use more plug-ins than ever before.

All things that Cubendo has already been doing for quite a while now...

DigiDesign said:
Gain extensive MIDI editing power through MIDI Editor windows, which can display MIDI and automation data for Instrument, MIDI, and Auxiliary Input tracks. Work with new features that let you separate, consolidate, and mute MIDI notes; scrub and shuttle through parts; view superimposed MIDI and Instrument tracks for easier arrangement editing; color code MIDI notes by track, type, or velocity; audition velocity changes; and play MIDI notes when tabbing. Edit MIDI automation and continuous controller (CC) data through multiple Automation and Controller lanes. Even watch your musical handiwork scroll by in real time during playback.

DigiDesign said:
The new Score Editor lets you view, edit, arrange, and print MIDI data as music notation.

:lol:...again, all stuff that Cubendo has featured for a few versions now ;) And from the looks of it, Steinberg's MIDI functions are still way ahead of the game, one example being Kaomao's reply.

The big talk at the moment seems to be that Avid are looking into opening up Pro Tools, so that you're not stuck having to use Digidesign hardware, which would be cool.

+1, hopefully it will not be as bound to the hardware, that would probably ease things a bit.
006, I think Cubendo does this since version 3, but i dont remember the name of the function right now :lol::lol: As soon as i get to the studio i will open Nuendo and post it here. There's actually even another way, but i dont know this other way..

How can cubendo lock the songs to the timeline ?
I don't know the name of the function off the top of my head but I use it when I'm trying to edit in a hurry. I will lock a region so that I don't accidentally edit it as well. Sometimes I get to flyin' when it comes to editing :) You don't want to know how many times I would press play after doing a bunch of editing and wonder why the snare track is all of a sudden a few ms ahead or behind everything else before I found that feature, haha.


I don't think you realize how useful MIDI really is old as it is, it has a lot of uses even in today's production environment. Like a few weeks ago I was recording a band who's drummer just bailed out the day before they had booked. They asked if I could program the drums for them, having heard some examples of my work with DFHS a long time ago, and I would have told them "Hell. Fucking. No." if I was still using PT. In Cubendo, however, it's a breeze, so I had no problem and I didn't lose a booking. I would have lost that if I still used PT, I would have refused to go through the hassles.

Haha well its more for the point that James Murphy made the other day, that if you get the phone call asking "Do you have ProTools?", there can only be one answer....

I am loving Logic right now, my workflow is SO much faster than anything I have used before. I actually find it incredibly similar to Cubase, but slightly less cluttered (amongst other things). I found the switch really easy (and I had never owned a Mac before).
the midi in pro tools does everything i want it to.
The features in 8 mean i may be more inclined to use it than before!
I don't know the name of the function off the top of my head but I use it when I'm trying to edit in a hurry. I will lock a region so that I don't accidentally edit it as well. Sometimes I get to flyin' when it comes to editing :) You don't want to know how many times I would press play after doing a bunch of editing and wonder why the snare track is all of a sudden a few ms ahead or behind everything else before I found that feature, haha.


Well, when you remember it, PLEASE, tell me heehhe I know how to lock an entire track, but a region.. every single time i edit something i accidentaly move something.

So, to do that recording-takes-loop thing, i follow some steps :

1- turn on the transport cycle feature
2- mark the region i want to loop record (maybe a bit bigger...) and make sure punch in and out are both off.
3- record a million takes of whatever i want
4- choose lanes fixed on lane display type on the track i recorded
5- just chop the parts of the track on each one of the takes and make it one perfect take

and voilá, you got it :)

I am sure there´s a way that you dont need as many steps.

UPDATE : Just found how to lock a region. Select whatever you want to lock, and control + shift + L or right click the thing / edit / lock :rock::rock::rock:
seriously guys, it's not that hard to manually compensate delay. It only takes a few minutes. Plus most people using LE aren't using outboard, which is the only real obstacle to manual compensation.
at $2000 for the full LE"kit" version..what kind of crack is DIGI smoking? add in a 003 at a thousand more and you might as well buy hd..and LE still doesnt have the basic features of todays modern DAWS ( PDC)

or CUBASE, Nuendo, SONAR, LOGIC, PERFORMER, SAMPLITUDE,REAPER, etc for a fraction of the price....

the price is ridiculous - I actually see more people buying logic for the project studio because of this...