Pro Tools 8 woohoo


Jun 7, 2005
Ashburn, VA
Well it looks like version 8 of Pro Tools will be announced this weekend at AES. Supposedly looks like Logic now and has some new virtual instruments, new/updated plugins, score editor, better MIDI features and more tracks for LE. But at this point, some of these things are just rumors...but I guess we will all know by the end of AES. :headbang::headbang:
"DIGIDESIGN PRO TOOLS 8: Pro Tools 8 (which includes Pro Tools HD, Pro Tools LE and Pro Tools M-Powered) has been completely updated with a new user interface, dozens of new bundled plug-ins (including five new virtual instruments and 20 effects), fully integrated MIDI and score editors, and expanded editing features. The user interface is enhanced with a more modern color palette and higher-contrast text and graphics, yet the key functions users rely on are still right where they should be, while enhancements—such as dockable Editor windows and a configurable Edit Window toolbar—make it easier to navigate than ever. Pro Tools 8 software will be available in late 2008 for Windows Vista (32-bit Business or Ultimate), Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)-based Pro Tools HD, Pro Tools LE and Pro Tools M-Powered systems. AES Booth: #702."
The big talk at the moment seems to be that Avid are looking into opening up Pro Tools, so that you're not stuck having to use Digidesign hardware, which would be cool. Other than that I'd like:
-More tracks in LE
-Delay Compensation
-Just generally scrapping the "Toolkits" idea and having it all included in the software.

Hope they don't change the interface too drastically, I found PT7 really easy to get around tbh.

Guess we'll see soon enough.
Hahaha, I love how you say "when," as if they'll somehow later on phase in backwards compatibility :lol: I wouldn't hold your breath man. :D
Yeah it really looks like Logic. I don't know, the new colour scheme doesn't quite seem as concise. What I loved about ProTools was the barebone simplicity of the UI. It didn't need flashy graphics to be the best, it just was.
yeah... hope theres an option to change it!!!
No plugin delay compensation still.......

ive lived without it for so long, i think i'll only be bemused when it does finally come out!!
Hey guys I am a beta tester for PT8. The new UI is not as bad as it looks. I personally hated it at first but then when we went through more beta builds i began to really really love it. There is a lot of new plugins now also. And you can have up to 48 tracks now with out any of the toolkits. The music production toolkit will give you 64 tracks and the complete production toolkit will give you access to 128 tracks.
Hey guys I am a beta tester for PT8. The new UI is not as bad as it looks. I personally hated it at first but then when we went through more beta builds i began to really really love it. There is a lot of new plugins now also. And you can have up to 48 tracks now with out any of the toolkits. The music production toolkit will give you 64 tracks and the complete production toolkit will give you access to 128 tracks.

Is there automatic delay comp in LE?