London Gig Canx


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2004
SO.... other than a wasted £5.40 for a travel card and booking fee for the ticket.. does anyone know why they cancelled?

I was non the wiser after standing in line for 20 mins.... then the announcement came....

Biggest dissapointment of 2004 so far after what must be the best album from them and best album of 2004 so far (with possible exception of MDB's latest)

:cry: Just a bit miffed....

It would appear that Dublin was canx as well... Did they even make Dynamo?
I appear to be talking to myself....

But it's now on the tour section... a financial argument of all things.

Thought it was about the fans and the music.... but you learn something new every day.
anyone knows if the sheffield gig is cancelled as well or not???
cos i dun wanna waste my money on train and hotel if no one is gonna play
i'll still go if akercocke and the rest are still playing...
i am really disappointed...... :(
As Avsky_Slagmark stated the whole of the euro tour is cancelled, they only played the Dynamo festival, they did come to the UK but travelled back home in disgust over the travel arrangements etc.

The following is the official news from earache's site

Deicide have abruptly ended their 'Scars Of The Crucifix' European tour before even playing one date.
After a performance at the Dynamo festival on June 5, the band entered the UK but declined to play the London show on Jun 8th- opting instead to fly home to Florida, citing their anger and frustration at the transportation and financial arrangements provided by the tour agent. It does not affect any other shows Deicide have booked in the USA.

I am currently contacting a few people asking what is going to be happening (Earache and also their Deicide's tour manager) If I get any news will let you all know.

In my opinion I don't think Deicide would do something like this over a small matter. This tour agent has fucked up on this tour already, some of you may have seen ads back in feb time claiming Deicide would be playing newport (I think it was Newport) in march time, this gig should't have been booked for when it was as Deicide were touring the US at the time.

And carnis dont be too off put by losing £5.40 on a travel card, 2 years ago I came down to see Cradle Of Filth at the Astoria (Akercocke were to support) by the time I found out the gig was cancelled it was too late to cancel my hotel room and air flight (I live in Scotland). That cost me over £200.
Statement from Metallysee Booking Agency re. Deicide Cancellation - 09/06/04

Yesterday, Tuesday 8th June, DEICIDE abruptly walked out on the eve of their European tour. They were scheduled to play London last night but, instead, they were in Heathrow airport waiting for a flight to the U.S.

A statement has already been made by the band's label, Earache Records, so we felt it necessary to issue our own.

The problems began last week when Glen Benton contacted us demanding a very sizeable increase in the band's wage per show. If this was not forthcoming, the band would cancel. So, left with no choice, we had to give in to their ridiculous demand. The fees had already been agreed with regional agents and promoters so we at Metallysee were being forced to foot this extra expense ourselves. But it was this or no tour at all so we had very little choice.

However, yesterday 8th June, the band decided to demand even more money - effectively, they were looking for double the amount originally agreed. This simply was not possible for 2 reasons: 1) Financially 2) We cannot allow ourselves to be 'bullied' in this manner after already giving in once to their demands.

Coupled with the financial wrangles, the band decided the transportation was not good enough - the main problem being the air conditioning being faulty on the bus. This was something that could have been fixed and surely not a reason to pull a tour.

So, in the end, the band unloaded their gear and headed for home, leaving 3 support bands, agents, promoters and of course the fans truly cheated (and in the case of ourselves, the agents and promoters, seriously out of pocket).

We now feel that we can never work with this band again and would like to apologise to everyone affected by the unreasonable behaviour of Deicide.
Man That Sucked I Blame It All On The Booking Agents They Treat Deicide Like They Are Shit I Wouldn't Take It Either........i Just Hope The U.s. Tour Doesn't Get Cancelled.
christkiller said:
Man That Sucked I Blame It All On The Booking Agents They Treat Deicide Like They Are Shit I Wouldn't Take It Either........i Just Hope The U.s. Tour Doesn't Get Cancelled.

Id blame it on the wankers that name themselves Deicide. Pullin out of a tour because the air con didnt work on the bus is fucking PATHETIC. And continoully asking for more money after agreeing to a set amount before hand. Deicide are a disgrace :yuk:
Believe what press release you want but unless you're in Deicide or work for MetalAsses you have no idea what actually transpired.

It's over and done with....quit your bitching and move on!

You hate Deicide? Then don't buy their shit anymore - easy huh?
it is quite laughable that an agent is claiming it is being bullied, maybe they should look at the way they treat the bands they are agents for.

I am more inclined to beleive the Deicide point of veiw and beleive there was a very good reason for the cancelled gigs.

I am sure the huge sum of money the agent and promoter claim to be down will be offset from the extortionate fees they charge in the future to all bands they organise tours for.
I see Dying Fetus cancelled their June European shows - because of Metallysee as well. Hmmmm, 2 bands cancel European tours in one day, Metallysee the agents for both tours....I think I see a pattern here. It's Metallysee that ought to get their shit together.

But of course everyone automatically puts the blame on Deicide and Benton especially. Some say they're "tough" to deal with - why? - because they don't allow themselves to be walked all over or treated like shit and they look out for themselves? Such crimes! Give me a break - they've been doing this for far too long to have to deal with half-assed agents. Metallysee sucks, Johan is a bitch and their transportation is the worst - infested busses, busses not cleaned for months, busses that catch on fire....yeah, that all sounds like SO much fun....where do I sign up?
KickAChristian said:
I see Dying Fetus cancelled their June European shows - because of Metallysee as well. Hmmmm, 2 bands cancel European tours in one day, Metallysee the agents for both tours....I think I see a pattern here. It's Metallysee that ought to get their shit together.

But of course everyone automatically puts the blame on Deicide and Benton especially. Some say they're "tough" to deal with - why? - because they don't allow themselves to be walked all over or treated like shit and they look out for themselves? Such crimes! Give me a break - they've been doing this for far too long to have to deal with half-assed agents. Metallysee sucks, Johan is a bitch and their transportation is the worst - infested busses, busses not cleaned for months, busses that catch on fire....yeah, that all sounds like SO much fun....where do I sign up?
They weren't getting treated like shit really, they were getting much more pay anyway than most bands of their type would get. Apparently bands like Corpse or Morbid Angel tour on far less fees. Deicide are just a bunch of redneck fucking cunts. Funny how Benton isn't afraid of burning in hell for all eternity but can't stand a bit of heat on a plane.
metalysee have vowed that they will not be working with Deicide again so is very unlikely the dates will be rescheduled.

Blackest Harvest I think you should get your facts straight. It was a bus not a plane also I should imagine being couped up in an over heated bus for 16 hours (or so) a day is very unpleasant. I have travelled on buses like that here in the Uk for a 10 hour journey and that was bad enough I wouldn't even consider doing it for a couple of weeks