Looking at the lineup...


Sep 9, 2002
Wales, U.K.
Yes there are more big bands than ever, but something is missing IMO.
I think the power and traditional metal is sorted, but there is a sure lack of Black, Death, Thrash and Doom metal. I know the money isnt there to bring in as many big bands as people want, but next time id like to see more than just 1 'low down in the lineup' band from 1 or 2 of these genres.
Id like to see names like Cathedral, Anathema, Napalm Death, Kreator, Samael and Mortician in there, aswell as a return of Return to the Sabbat and Bal-Sagoth.
Also the amount of smaller 'local' bands seems high, I support these bands when they play and give them as much chance as any other band but the smaller stage is basically filled up with these. Biomechanical headlining this stage and also FULC in front of Waylander??? Doesnt make sense to me. Waylander have put out a few great quality albums and sure deserve the highest spot on this stage, out of the bands that will play on it.
Anyway its not anything against the bands playing, I was just looking forward to something more like last year.
Its probably because most most Black, death etc bands are actually crap!

Fulc have something good and different to say other than Woooorrrrraaaggghhh! That Venom did years ago and have yet to been bettered and Waylander are just average!

Return to the Sabbat are an Andy Sneap Rip off with a lisp, but yeah I'd be up for Anathema, Napalm, Kreator but money is the main factor.

I'd rather see bands like Illuminatus, Bates motel etc given a good chance as they are British and they ROCK!! :headbang:
Black Lagoon: Thats your opinion, not a fact...

How are Retun to the Sabbat a rip-off, they are all (bar one) former Members?

Zyklon, Decapitated, Aborted, Lipid, In Flames, Yattering, The Haunted, Vader, Thyrfing, Children of Bodom, Dark Tranquillity, Insision, Meshuggah, Immolation, Katatonia, Amorphis, Aborym, Ephel Duath, Hollentorn, Frostmoon Eclipse... the list goes on.
Can you tell that me any of these band's be bad ideas?

As for Brit Extreme: My Dying Bride, Napalm Death, Benediction, Mistress, Frost, Annal Nathkrath, Throne of Nails, Desecration... why not? Its not fair to call this a brit metal fest and have a huge under-representation of Extreme, Napalm Death have been holding the flag of Brit Metal high for years yet they haven't been invited? 'scuse me if I think thats a bit wrong

Tho' Cruel Humanity need as much support as they can get, Brit Black Metal is getting great and CH deserve more exposure than they are getting So I'll be there for their whole set and if you want more extreme next year then come out and show the organisers that CH and bands like them will pull in the crowds
I like those suggestions a lot, and im not trying to get rid of the smaller bands, just want more bands I (and many more people) like from different genres, to make it a festival lots more people can have a part in
First of all, sorry for last night I was pissed!
Yeah I must admit I was a bit over the top with my reply, I don't get a lot of extreme stuff, but then I don't suppose you lot would be to keen on seeing Hawkwind, Backyard Babies or The Donnas on the bill! :lol:

So most of Baletempest suggestions of bands would be bad ideas to me.

However at the end of the day I do think a bit more diversity would be good for the festival, so bring on Napalm Death and Great White!

Then, yep R2TS are a rip off. Who wrote all the music? Andy Sneap. It's like Iron Maiden reforming without Steve Harris!
BL: meh, good on ya, the more time spent getting wasted the better.:D

Still, plug your support for ND at BS'04, they should neigh MUST be the second stage Headliners (You haven't been in a Mosh-pit till you've been in a Napalm Death Pit):D:D:D
William said:
Oh and as for black metal bands.. how about Marduk, Zyklon, Thyrane (!!!) or Sigh (!!!!!!!)

I'll go for that - I'd rather see Sigh than friggin' Nightwish; it's because of them that I'm not going. (And after going to the first two n'all.)
Thank god, LOADS of people turned out for CH and their CD's and T-shirt sold out in seconds, well done guys, I hope that and the volume of people in Aborted T-shirts I saw (at least a dozen) will convince the organisers to get more extreme.

OMS suck, Cradle and Ackercoke are great:):D:)