Looking into the future...

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Another thread in the campaign for more Symphony X related topics ;)

Where do you see Symphony X in ten years? Do you see them with a lot more fame than now, or do you think they won't get much farther than now? Be specific. How many albums do you think they'll have? Will they still have the same lineup? Musical style...does it change? And do you think they'll have the same great appreciation of their fans that they have now?

Now that I've finished typing all that, I have no idea what my own answer is. In my mind, I see them as the same 5 guys, hopefully still making music with a great many albums in their repertoire. I'm sure they'll venture into many different styles as they progress from album to album, but they will always have that special Symphony X sound all their own. I worry about the last question though. People change as they get more and more recognition, even if they're as cool as these guys are. My wishful thinking is taking over...I hope they don't change too much. But I want to know what everyone else thinks :)
I have to agree with you for the most part. I don't see any lineup changes happening, nor would I want there to be! As far as musically, I would expect that their style would continue as it is now, and only get better. Unfortunately as you said, success can change bands, but Symphony X will be the exception to the rule, and we know it! :)
Over ten years I would also expect they'd have put out at least a few more albums, a DVD or two, and many awesome tours. In addition to that, I predict that MJR will have decided to enlist me as his prodigy and teach me everything he knows......Hey a guy can dream, can't he?

Anyway, what does everyone else predict?
This really is a hard question to answer. I am one of those people who hate when something I have always liked gets too popular. But at the same time I rant at those things not getting enough recognition. I would love to see SyX playing a huge concert hall with even a full orchestra to back them up on songs like "The Odyssey". But for them to play a concert of that magnitude they must become very popular to do so which I don't like since when bands usually get pretty popular it is because they break out through a means of a movie theme song or something of that nature. (ie. Evanescence in Daredevil). People that then start to like the particular group because of the fact that the media had to put it in their faces in order for them to even care about them. While beforehand they would never have given the group a chance or even heard of them due to the fact that they were unpopular or underground music.
Anyway, I think that the guys in SyX are good friends that work well together, and have the same kinds of ideas and musical tastes. Because of this I find thier lineup not changing in that time as long as the band is still together. It is hard to think if they will still be together in 10 years because they have already been around for ten years. There have not been many bands in history to hit the 20 year mark either. I do think however that even if they do break up in that time that Romeo will still be very involved in music. He just seems to have a great love for music that won't end until the day he dies. I think they will make it to be as popular as DT is now, which is really popular within progressive metal, but still not known within the popular rock music charts.
symphonyXjapan said:
I am one of those people who hate when something I have always liked gets too popular. But at the same time I rant at those things not getting enough recognition.


symphonyXjapan said:
I would love to see SyX playing a huge concert hall with even a full orchestra to back them up on songs like "The Odyssey". But for them to play a concert of that magnitude they must become very popular to do so
Not necessarily. To play with a large ensemble in another place like say... South America is waaay cheaper to arrange and to play/record with than in the U.S. And I think we may very well get to see this happen someday.

As for myself, I think the future looks good but at the same time I don't spend a lot of time or energy on that concern. Because for me, Symphony X can do no wrong. They are just now truly ripening into full blossom I feel. And I hope(and I'm sure) we will see many another opus from the guys in the forthcoming years with the same consistent quality, grace, care, and love for composition that they(MJR&Co.) share.
They just wouldn't be the same band without that and I think they, we, you, and anybody else who knows them knows it.
Those of us here will remain devoted fans of this band. These guys don't choose to portray themselves as anything but what they are and what their collective talents create. We respect them for their honesty. This honesty buys them longevity via a solid and loyal fanbase. How many bands have realized this and consciously adhered to these values and stood firm on this foundation? Not many. But....this is Prog Metal, and fans of this genre, for the most part, recognize true talent, and find themselves drawn to this music because they reject the deception and manipulation which the music industry has fed the masses for many years.

What I'm getting at......what is the future of Prog Metal music?? Will the CD buying / concert going public embrace this style of music like they did with "Heavy Metal" in the 70's? ex: Zeppelin, Sabbath, Heep, Deep Purple, etc. This greased the gears in the big money machine for awhile. It all goes around in cycles and I think we will be seeing a major reinsurgence of metal very soon, but this time a technically clean version - Prog Metal will fit the bill. When this happens, SymX will surely rule. We all know that they have the capacity for movie soundtracks, big arena tours, music videos, and radio-friendly songs, etc. IMO, they deserve to be recognized by all who can appreciate them.

Although I would surely miss the small club intimacy of their shows, I would be happy for them to succeed on a massive level, as long as they would not be forced to sacrifice what and who they are at the hands of those who control their "future" and the financial aspects that pave it for them. Let's hope "they" would understand and respect their values and talent as we all do. Then....it would be a very special thing.

I admire you guys on the Forum who are seriously applying your musical talents and working hard for success, because I believe you all are at the door of some very ineresting changes and opportunities.

OK, enough for now. This is the way I see it. I believe the future is bright. Get your shades out. :p
Will Symphony X still be here in 10 years? I hope so, but I'm affraid they won't be. As I see it, they could go on to make album after album of great music. I, for one, would like to see them return to the 'old' style (pre-Odyssey, as great a cd that it is, I liked the old, symphonic style better)which they'll probably won't. I think Romeo will get frustrated if the big recognition stays out, and will turn to 'serious' music, i.e. modern classical stuff. Russel will succesfully solo and become a respected blues-rock singer. So enjoy it while it lasts, fans. Sorry.
I doubt they'll even exist in ten years, but of course I hope they do.

It's hard to say what music they will be playing, or what members will still be in the band.

I'm currently looking forward to their next album, and I don't think too far into the future. :cool:
I can't really speculate where they'll be in ten years, all I'm certain of is that they'll still be making music, either as a band or individually, and I'll continue to support them. And by 2014, there should be at least four Accolades. :)
I could see MJR composing movie soundtracks on the side, he just needs to get recognition from the right people.

I think in 10 years, they'll still be making music, but it will be nothing like what we have now. I mean, look at the difference between The Damnation Game and The Odyssey! I think Russel's solo project will turn into a part time side project, because all of his influences are rock so he's going to want to perform that kind of stuff sometimes.

As for popularity... I agree with whoever said they'd be as popular as DT is now. Which is cool with me, kinda. I like the way the fanbase is like a family right now.

I can also see the full orchestra thing working out somehow... at least as a one time thing. I talked to Mike Lepond and he said he could see Symphony X being like the Symphony/Metallica thing "only not gay." (or something like that).
lol, "only not gay" funny...
Im sure the guy who did the orchestra for Yngwie over in Japan wouldnt mind doing it for SymX..besides this music is far more popular over in Japan then it will ever be in the states..as weird as that is...
only 4 accolades? why stop there? i would love to hear these guys in 10 years still puttin out stuff. they really have a passion for it, so my guess is they most likely will.
now DT on the other hand ... thats an example of how success changes a band i think. they've really changed. :bah: im hopin symphony x will never get to that point, and i dont even see how its possible with those guys.
pfft- I dont think 10 years from now. I dont even think 10 minutes from now. Should I start thinking about dinner? no - not until its 10 mins before i eat it. catch my drift? yea... thats right
RobbM said:
lol, "only not gay" funny...
Im sure the guy who did the orchestra for Yngwie over in Japan wouldnt mind doing it for SymX..besides this music is far more popular over in Japan then it will ever be in the states..as weird as that is...

That is not weird at all. I realized a couple years ago that the Japanese have much better taste than Americans (yes I am an American). And not just in music but with a lot of things. Anyway.....just about all the bands I listen to in progressive/power metal are always REALLY popular in Japan. Also, I listen to a lot of Japanese music as well which I find "different" and unique as well.

Funny that I read this post while actually listening to Japanese music!