Looks like we have some Pagan's Mind fans here

You bet, Im known to many as the Pagans Mind pimp. Ive been telling everyone about these guys for well over a month now. Celestial Entrance is my CD of the year for 2002.

Im trying to have Nils get in touch with Glenn for a possible Prog Power 4 appearance.
I think I'll probably get this CD soon... although I have to admit that Nils reminds me of Ralf Sheepers... which really freaks me out...
Ralf Scheepers!? You're kidding right? OK let me get this straight, the guy in PM sounds like Scheepers but Russell doesn't sound like Dio? I don't know PMF, you're losing it a little. :) What's up BTW.
Count me in, definitely!
Pagan's Mind's Celestial Entrance blows me away anytime I listen to it. It's monster album, for sure.

Nils sounds like Ralf Scheepers?? No way. If we talk resemblance (which I hate to do anyway) we should say Midnight and Geoff Tate at the least.
Scheepers' voice is too schrill and nerve-schredding...
Yes, there's a very strong Crimson Glory/DT - IAW influence discernible in the music. I like the fact that they're from Norway though. Already gives them an advatage over other power metal bands...
it is as I said in the mp3 topic. This is one of those bands that I downloaded a few mp3s from after I read this thread. Just to check them out- and now I have to go and buy the cd... curses! :p
Cool stuff. Thanks for letting me know.
I just dont like the vocals, otherwise it would be a great band. Too high, too shrill and too "thin" for my taste, like many other power metal bands... But that's only a matter of taste I guess, I always have problems with the vocals with band of similar style.
Originally posted by Tyrion
I just dont like the vocals, otherwise it would be a great band. Too high, too shrill and too "thin" for my taste, like many other power metal bands... But that's only a matter of taste I guess, I always have problems with the vocals with band of similar style.

Yes, those are my feelings too.